What is the difference between forward genetics and reverse genetics?

Similar questions: difference forward genetics reverse.

Forward genetics is from phenotype to gene sequence. Reverse is from gene sequence to phenotype apsnet.org/Education/AdvancedPlantPath/T..." rel="nofollow">apsnet.org/Education/AdvancedPlantPath/T... Most of the time we do genetics by looking at the phenotype (appearance) of the individual and then go looking for the genes that cause it. We look at different phenotypes -- either ocurring naturally or we make them by induced mutations -- and then sequence the genes to see how they changed.In reverse genetics you have the sequence of the gene.

As an example, you got that from the Human Genome Project. BUT, you don't know what that gene does.So you make changes (mutations) in the sequence and then look to see what the appearance (phenotype) of the organism is. Now, we don't do reverse genetics for humans.

But we do it for mice, Drosophila, and other species. Sources: apsnet.org/Education/AdvancedPlantPath/T..." rel="nofollow">apsnet.org/Education/AdvancedPlantPath/T... .

answers.com/topic/reverse-genetics?cat=t..." rel="nofollow">answers.com/topic/reverse-genetics?cat=t... Simply put, while forward genetics seeks to find the genetic basis of a phenotype or trait, reverse genetics seeks to find the possible phenotypes that may derive from a specific genetic sequence enumerated during DNA sequencing. Automated DNA sequencing generates large volumes of genomic sequence data relatively rapidly. Many genetic sequences are discovered in advance of other, less easily obtained, biological information.

Reverse genetics attempts to connect a given genetic sequence with specific effects on the organism. Sources: answers.com/topic/reverse-genetics?cat=t..." rel="nofollow">answers.com/topic/reverse-genetics?cat=t... .

Instead of going from phenotype to sequence as in forward genetics, reverse genetics works in the opposite direction In genetics, variations help us understand what is 'normal. ' Variation can be measured at many scales – from macro (body size, morphology) to different levels of micro variation (crude protein profiles to DNA sequence variation). Forward genetics refers to a process where studies are initiated to determine the genetic underpinnings of observable variations in phenotype (the physical appearance of an organism).

In many cases the observable variation has been induced using a DNA damaging agent (mutagen) but also may be naturally occurring. The investigator eventually ends up sequencing the gene or genes thought to be involved. With the advent of whole genome sequencing (where the DNA coding of an organism has been completely enumerated), researchers are now in a very different position.

They have access to all of the gene sequences within a given organism and would like to know their function. So, instead of going from phenotype to sequence as in forward genetics, reverse genetics works in the opposite direction – a gene sequence is known, but its exact function is uncertain. In reverse genetics, a specific gene or gene product is disrupted or modified and then the phenotype is measured.

Sources: apsnet.org/Education/AdvancedPlantPath/T... .

1 I always thought forward genetics was looking at the genome(DNA sequence) and finding out what amino acids and proteins it codes for. And that reverse genetics is looking at the protein and back calculating the nucleotide sequence.

I always thought forward genetics was looking at the genome(DNA sequence) and finding out what amino acids and proteins it codes for. And that reverse genetics is looking at the protein and back calculating the nucleotide sequence.

I've been hearing a bit about it as its related to cancer research." "I have severe pain problems from a bad car accident. But I have to be careful about what I use for it due to my genetics" "Someone explain the genetics of eye color to me, please? " ""Twincredibles" article: Isn't genetics fascinating, and isn't this family beautiful?

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I've been hearing a bit about it as its related to cancer research.

I have severe pain problems from a bad car accident. But I have to be careful about what I use for it due to my genetics.

The difference between forward genetics is (without quotes):.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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