Well it depends on how you look at beauty and attraction. Do you think of beauty as a surface aesthetic or represented only by what you can see or hear like looks, or do you think of beauty as the whole package both the outer shell and the inner person? Do you think of attraction as one sided or mutual?
Are you talking about gravity or gravitas in attraction? There is a simple answer to this question, beauty is a subset of attraction. If attraction is something that attracts, and beauty is something that attracts, they are similar in that beauty is an attraction, but so is a waterslide.
Attraction covers more than just sexuality or sensuality, but beauty is strictly an interpersonal attraction, strictly sensual or sexual On the other hand I tend to think of attraction as "a force acting mutually between particles of matter, tending to draw them together, and resisting their separation" since that is really where the term has it's start in science, I think of the romantic part of what that could mean. So attraction is some irresistible force between two people that draws them together and creates a bond. Attraction is a partnership, an unwritten unspoken agreement between two strangers to become friends, to become lovers For me then beauty is an aesthetic quality that one can appreciate that can encourage attraction but is not solely to attract.
A person can find something or someone beautiful and stop there, no need to define the others relationship to that person. Attraction has a hazy higher level feeling that is almost mystical even ethereal, beauty is almost entirely temporal and worldly.
The perception of "beauty" is different to every person. What someone thinks is beautiful someone else might think is repulsive. It all has to do with objective and opinion.
Attraction is what we feel towards something. It is less of an opinion and more of an instinct. In a way beauty leads to attraction because what we find beautiful is what we are attracted to.
However, they are not synonyms; they have different meanings even if they can be linked in some ways. While we may think that someone with blue eyes is beautiful, we can still be attracted to someone with green eyes.
Beauty is a cultural aesthetic value and attraction is an individual judgement. Beauty varies by culture and by era; attraction is unique to the individual. One other way to look at this- beauty is from the outside looking at superficial values, while attraction depends on inner qualities.
Playboy bunnies are all beautiful, but some women (who can have beauty also) have attraction from within. Pick any bunny- she's beautiful. But Marilyn Monroe had a lot of attraction, too.... Take care!
It certainly attracted my attention (just in time! *__-). Did I find it attractive?
Seems so when dealing with literal interpretations. If it attracted my attention, it is, by definition, attractive (that which attracts)! I, of course, find other 'attractive' things muuuuch more pleasant!
A matter of Perspective!
Beauty is of mind and the attraction is of the body.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.