Once I went with my family for a tour. When we reached the spot, we all were very shocked to see our little puppy also coming out of the car. No one of us had noticed him get in.
He is a small cute little puppy and we regretted for not accompanying him along with us..
Our dog can actually make a myriad of barnyard animal 'voices' - kind of like Snoopy! She: snorts like a pig (really lovely) meows like a cat, not when she yawns, its really like she's talking (very cute) chatters like a platypus (teeth chatter together when she's excited, hilarious) exhales like a horse (when she exhales it vibrates her cheeks the way a horses mouth/lips make that 'pbbbb' sound, it's always just as she's about to go to sleep at night, we crack up) whines like a little puppy... The thing she rarely does...bark. Video from youtube of a Greyhound chattering its teeth, this is exactly what ours does...way too funny.
My first dog, the german short-haired pointer was a people dog who loved everyone as long as you didn't try to hurt the family. Anyway, he was walking towards my parents bedroom and was just sniffing around. He started sniffing around my dad and as soon as the dog's nose got within range of my dad's rear - my dad let one loose.
The dog sniffed, paused, then started to sneeze three times. I was standing in the hallway, and had to quickly run to the living room to laugh because that was the funniest thing I had seen to date. The dog I have now is an anti-people dog, but he has a soft heart towards the cats he lives with.
He also has the coloring of a doberman. The funniest thing he does is when he lays on the floor, and waits for the black cat to pass by. He'll put a paw on the cat, and hold him down while giving him a bath.
He only does that to the black cat, not the black and white one, nor the siamese. When he's done, you have this wet black cat who looks at you with his good eye and has the funniest "why didn't you help me" look.
My dog did his buisness in the backyard, kicked once with 2 legs, then once with others ran after his toy, and coming in he stepped dead into it.. Another time he.. did his buisness, and when I was cleaning it up I realized he just craped out a sock..... a whole sock.. don't know what else to say.
I know a dog that hates darth vader and everytime it sees star wars it attacks the screen.
The funniest thing my dog ever did, was make a noisy fart and scare herself. Now I know that dogs fart all the time, but they rarely make any kind of noise (hence the term 'silent but deadly'). My chihuahua Lola heard the noise and jumped in the air thinking someone was after her.
I still laugh thinking about it. (picture is not Lola, but a bunny stand-in)
.Both of my dogs have done some funny stuff: My Yellow Lab/Coyote smiles on command...it's a huge smile. My German Shepard jumps up and down on a 14 foot trampolin with my kids. I don't know but I got some weird dogs!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.