I used to work in a large metro hospital in Milwaukee and received a good salary with the opportunity for advancement. Subsequently, I transferred to a smaller satellite hospital. Even though it was a so-called lateral move, I took a substantial pay cut.
We do complex cases and have excellent physicians, but someone in administration doesn't feel that we deserve the same pay and career ladders as those in the Metro region. Frankly I can' t understand why a clinic technologist gets paid little more than a housekeeper, but in fact that is the case. The advantage is no on-call and no weekends.
Here in Wisconsin, working in a solo practice as a private scrub is a rarity. How does your salary compare to surgical technologist wages? The PayScale Salary Calculator is a quick and easy way to compare positions.
But when you want powerful salary data and comparisons customized for your exact position, be sure to build a complete profile by taking PayScale's full salary survey. €¢ Read our ... more.
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