With a square face shape you need short or medium length hairstyles. Curly and wavy styles will give some roundness around your face. Layers will soften your square face and height at the crown will make your face look longer.
You definitely need height on top and should try to keep the sides narrow. Keep your forehead free to make your face look longer. Fullness at the temples and cheekbones will make the face look rounder.
Try to cover the jaw line. Images Best Hairstyles for Square Face Shapes:-
For more information:- http://beauty.about.com/od/bestcutsbyfaceshap1/ss/squarefaces.htm.The most notable characteristics of a woman having a square face, is that the jaw, as well as the hairline is broad. In cases wherein the face have a square feature, it is advisable that your hair should have a span of either short or medium measurements. In other cases, a curly type and waving hair will show a semblance of a curved face.
With regards to the upper part of your hair, it is highly recommended that it be styled that tends to show some loftiness, whereas on the side part of the hair the style should be slighted. In terms of the forehead, it should be open in order to project a face that looks extended, while richness on the temple as well as the cheekbones can lessen the squareness of your face. Accordingly, "you should avoid long straight hairdos because these would accentuate your square jawbone.
Also avoid centre parts and straight fringes. A classic chin length bob haircut won’t look good either. " Shown below are some of the best hairstyle for a square face.
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