WE send over 90% of elected officials back to Washington. Http//hubpages.Com/hub/re-electVote your convictions!
I think the short answer is "when we have some real leadership who wants to take us there. " Our founding fathers set us up with a framework that would allow us to operate long-term as a Christian democratic society. Over the years, various leaderships, the Supreme Court, and our own lawmakers in the Congress have tried and succeeded in leading us away from that centerline.
We currently have a President who chides the public for calling ourselves a "Christian Nation". We have leadership that is allowing the dregs of the world to penetrate our borders and partake of our country. They do not come here to be "Americans", they come here for the handouts.
Ultimately, we will create a society of disjointed tribes who have their own self-interest and that alone will contribute more than anything else to destroying our democratic world. We have citizens who have grown up here who feel no responsibility to work, pay taxes, or become an informed voter. Ultimately, they will cast their vote for a fool if he looks in their direction.
Our younger generations are obsessed with life altering tatoo art and bent on piercing every concieveable area of tissue on their body without regard for the downstream consequences on their ability to present a desireable public image and secure work. We have always had some of this but it is totally out of hand in our society today. Lastly...we communicate in an electronic medium more so than any other way...as much as that is technologically advanced, there is damage from it.
Our society waking up by itself has about as much odds of happening as a drunk getting sober by himself. We have to have inspired leadership who want to head in the right direction.
The best way to make a difference is to get out there and vote. Writing your congressman and sharing your viewpoints can also have an effect.
I agree with your sentiments. But, sorry, we're screwed. The "tipping point" has long ago been reached.
There are not enough intelligent, informed voters to make a difference. And, as far as I'm concerned, most of those few who are aware of problems offer solutions that will make things even worse. hubpages.com/hub/america-what-went-wrong... wish I had some EFFECTIVE answers.
The U.S. Is a historical anomaly. A degree of freedom worldwide occurred because of it. But, as the U.S. Reverts to feudalism (a corporate high-tech feudalism) or worse, so is the rest of the world.
BTW, anyone reading this, do not give me crap about prayer and trusting in or worshipping "God" being necessary. That is one of the major problems.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.