Which political party takes the fall in 2012 if the proposed tax cuts fail to stimulate the economy and lower?

Similar questions: political party takes fall 2012 proposed tax cuts fail stimulate economy lower.

Well, most of what's in the package isn't a tax cut, it's a continuation of the same tax rates that have been in effect for the last 8 years. The real problem was that if Obama allowed them to go back to Clinton rates during a recession (keep in mind Clinton raised taxes just as we were heading into the biggest boom of the 20th century), it would cripple the country. So continuing the Bush tax cuts isn't really a tax cut, it's just keeping Democrats from invoking a tax hike.

Once it passes, people and businesses will be able to plan their budgets for the next two years and be able to engage once again in profitable ventures, unlike the last two years of limbo Obama has put us through with his lack of attention to the economy.

Republicans must have balls the size of bowling balls for adding 900 billion dollars to the national debt after ranting about Obama doing the same with the stimulus package. Rhine44 13 months ago .

I don't know of any Republicans adding $900 billion to the national debt. But I see a country increasing its spending by $900 billion! .

That sounds like doubletalk to me. Rhine44 13 months ago .

It's not double talk. Greece and Ireland are cutting spending. Spain is joining them.

If you take a pay cut, you cut your spending. When the government takes an income cut, it increases its spending. It can't continue to do this.

The only way you can get Democrats to reduce spending is to reduce the amount of money coming into the government.

I don't think we're on the same page together. I am referring to the fact that we're going to add billions more toward the national debt...unless, of course, Republicans find the money to pay for it. If they do, the tax cut will be peachy keen with me!

Rhine44 13 months ago .

Well, I'm saying we should cut spending. Less money coming in, the government should spend less. The Republicans are for that.

They're not for spending more money. They want the budget cut.

There you go again with those voodoo economics. Rhine44 13 months ago .

You know they will blame Obama. They are already blaming him for the start fo the recession.

I wish there was a pill for amnesia. How quickly people forget and move on. Rhine44 13 months ago .

The Republican party has one very big priority topping their agenda: bring down Obama. Those who buy into their feigned interest in whatever country they happen to be in at the time are victims of a very sophisticated overlay of well executed lies placed securely over the truth. Every opportunity is up for grabs, and no stone will remain unturned.

They cannot change, even for the noblest of reasons, even for the betterment of America. Is there any doubt whatsoever that they wouldn't blame him? Its no more abysmally ridiculous than anything else they have done the past ten years. I would be shocked if they had it in them to share the responsibility for their own creation.

Just as I was shocked that Obama gave into them on this, but since Obama truly wants to assist middle class America, what could he do? Its easy for the Republicans to turn their backs on the needy. They have had years and years of practice.

But Obama truly cares about those who wouldn't have any money as the harshness of Winter sets in. The GOP, chock full of self interest simply could not find it in their hearts to agree simply because it was the right thing to do. They had to make the poor pay further by sustaining their rich buddies.

They got their prize. Another bribe. Merry Christmas, Republicans, from America.Obama said they wouldn't budge.

Those words should be written in stone for the time that will most assuredly come in which they will throw the whole failure of an enchilada back in his face. Pampering the rich cannot serve to sustain the poor. I hope they are enjoying the bonuses they are getting from the corporations for whom they are pawns.

Bet on the fact that they are working on their getaway strategy right now as they pat themselves on the back for Pushing Obama into yet another dismal corner, the one the rest of America is in.

DanZee, you are talking in circles. What's this "It would cripple the country"? In what way?

More than anything else, it is the Republicans crippling this country. Get Real. These tax cuts for the rich are not helping anyone but the rich and Bush knew it.

A huge bulk of the tax benefits go to those who have no impact on job creation. A tax cut for the wealthy will have no trickle down benefit for small businesses. According to the independent, highly-regarded Congressional Budget Office, the Bush era tax cuts have the lowest stimulative effect of 11 stimulus policies examined.

For every $1 in tax cuts, only 10 cents to 40 cents are returned to the economy. Compare that with something every small business employer can relate to — reducing employer's share of the payroll tax. But I guess Obama's ideas are moot.

According to the CBO, that would result in 40 cents to $1.20 back in the economy for every dollar spent. That would reduce the cost of having employees and make it easier to hire. Don't be brainwashed by half truths.

The Republicans can not take credit. They refuse to agree that the stimulus did any good at all. The President has yet to claim it will help the economy.

Just that he wanted to extend the unemployment benefits. But if the economy does come back before the elections, the Democrats may benefit. But that is a tricky thing to time.

When President Clinton was elected, the economy did come back - but too late for any benefits to President Bush. People just did not believe it.

I'd like to believe that there is some unknown strategy behind all this. Rhine44 13 months ago .

Not too unknown. Many of the pundits are talking about it. The only one that don't are Republicans who hate all "stimulus" and left leaning commentators who had rather bash the President than see that he has a plan."As for Obama?

Oh, the craven cave-in! Unless it's just the way he got an imperfect form of the second-round-of-stimulus that he wanted anyway." --Tom Toles com/tomtoles.

I hope you're right. I'd love to see him succeed, regardless of how he does it. Rhine44 13 months ago .

Look what Charles K said today:"Obama is no fool. While getting Republicans to boost his own reelection chances, he gets them to make a mockery of their newfound, second-chance, post-Bush, Tea-Party, this-time-we're-serious persona of debt-averse fiscal responsibility. "Read the whole thing.Html.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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