Who are some scientists and their contributions to chemistry?

100 Scientists Who Shaped World story ins style="border: medium none; margin: 0pt; padding: 0pt; display: inline-table; height: 90px; position: relative; visibility: visible; width: 728px">The back cover states: 100 Scientists Who Shaped World story is a fascinating book about the men and women who made significant impacts upon our understanding of the world around us. This chronologically-organized book provides capsule biographies of important scientists and describes how their contributions have shaped the world in which we live Pythagoras c. 580 B.C.-C.500 B.C. 460 B.C.-377 B.C. Aristotle 384 B.C. -322 B.C.Platonism / Greek philosophy Euclid c.325 B.C. -270 B.C.Platonism / Greek philosophy Archimedes c.

287-c.212 B.C.Greek philosophy Eratosthenes c. 276 B.C. -c.196 B.C.Galen c.A.D.130-c.216 Hakim Ibn-e-Sina A.D.980-1037 Islam Nicolaus Copernicus 14722 Jan Catholic (priest) Andreas Vesalius 1512 Jan8 Catholic Gallileo Galilei 15622 Jan Catholic Johannes Kepler 1572 Jan8 Lutheran William Harvey 15722 Jan Anglican (nominal) Rene Descartes 15922 Jan Catholic Blaise Pascal 1623-1662 Jansenist Robert Boyle 16222 Jan Anglican Christian Huygens 1632 Jan8 Calvinist Anton van Leeuwenhoek 1632 Jan9 Dutch Reformed Robert Hooke 16322 Jan Anglican Isaac Newton 1642 Jan0 Anglican (rejected Trinitarianism, i.e. , Athanasianism believed in the Arianism of the Primitive Church) Edmund Halley 1652 Jan2 Daniel Bernoulli 1700-1782 Calvinist Benjamin Franklin 1722 Jan7 Presbyterian; Deist Leonard Euler 1722 Jan9 Calvinist Carolus Linnaeus 1722 Jan0 Christianity Henry Cavendish 17322 Jan1 Joseph Priestley 17322 Jan3 Presbyterian; unitarian William Herschel 17322 Jan5 Jewish Antoine Laurent Lavoisier 17422 Jan6 Catholic Alessandro Volta 17422 Jan8 Catholic Edward Jenner 17422 Jan9 Anglican John Dalton 17622 Jan1 Quaker Georges Cuvier 1762 Jan Lutheran Alexander von Humboldt 1762 Jan Karl Friedrich Gauss 1772 Jan Lutheran Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac 1772 Jan3 Humphry Davy 1772 Jan Jons Jakob Berzelius 1772 Jan Michael Faraday 1792 Jan7 Sandemanian Charles Babbage 1792 Jan9 Anglican Joseph Henry 17922 Jan3 Presbyterian Matthew Fontaine Maury 1822 Jan4 Louis Agassiz 1822 Jan5 Lutheran Charles Darwin 1822 Jan6 Anglican (nominal); Unitarian Augusta Ada Byron 18122 Jan7 James Prescott Joule 1812 Jan Jean Bernard Leon Foucault 1812 Jan Gregor Mendel 1822 Jan Catholic (Augustinian monk) Louis Pasteur 1822 Jan Catholic William Thomson, Lord Kelvin 1822 Jan Anglican Joseph Lister 1822 Jan Quaker Friedrich August Kekule 1822 Jan James Clerk Maxwell 1832 Jan3 Presbyterian; Anglican; Baptist Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleyev 1832 Jan William Henry Perkin 1832 Jan9 Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen 1842 Jan Thomas Alva Edison 1842 Jan Congregationalist; agnostic Luther Burbank 1842 Jan Unitarian Ivan Petrovich Pavlov 1842 Jan John Ambrose Fleming 1842 Jan William Ramsay 1852 Jan7 Antoine-Henri Becquerel 1852 Jan8 Catholic Albert Abraham Michelson 1852 Jan8 Jewish Sigmnd Freud 1852 Jan Jewish; Atheist; Freudian psychoanalysis (Freudianism) Joseph John Thomson 1852 Jan Nettie Marie Stevens 1862 Jan8 George Washington Carver 1862 Jan9 Christianity Marie Sklodowska Curie 18622 Jan Catholic (lapsed) Henrietta Swan Leavitt 18622 Jan Protestant Ernst Rutherford 18722 Jan Lise Meitner 1872 Jan Jewish-born Protestant Albert Einstein 1872 Jan Jewish Alexander Fleming 1882 Jan Catholic Niels Bohr 1882 Jan8 Jewish Lutheran Selman Abraham Waksman 1882 Jan Jewish Edwin Powell Hubble 1882 Jan Robert Alexander Watson-Watt 1892 Jan3 Arthur Holly Compton 1892 Jan Presbyterian Irene Joliot-Curie 1892 Jan Linus Carl Pauling 192 Jan7 Lutheran Enrico Fermi 192 Jan9 Catholic Werner Heisenberg 192 Jan Lutheran Margaret Mead 192 Jan Episcopalian Barbara McClintock 192 Jan Grace Brewster Murray Hopper 1912 Jan Jewish Marie Goeppert-Mayer 192 Jan John Bardeen 192 Jan William Bradford Shockley 192 Jan3 Dorothy Crowfood Hodgkin 192 Jan Jaques Yves Cousteau 192 Jan Luis Walter Alvarez 192 Jan7 Charles Hard Townes 1915- Richard Philipis Feynman 1912 Jan8 Jewish Frederick Sanger 1918- Rosalind Elsie Franklin 1920-1958 Jewish Rosalyn Sussman Yalow 1921- Jewish Har Gobind Khorana 1922- ndu Tsung-Dao Lee 1926- James Dewey Watson 1928- Stephen William Hawking 1942- atheist Science: 100 Scientists Who Changed the World The list below is from the book Science: 100 Scientists Who Changed the World (Enchanted Lion Books: New York, 2003), written by John Balchin The names in this list are listed in chronological order.

This book does not purport to list the "most influential" scientists in history, although these are presumably among them. The back cover states: If I saw further than others," said Sir Isaac Newton, "it is because I was standing on the shoulders of giants Science introduces one hundred of these giants and examines their achievements: the men and women who, often in the face of extreme scepticism or worse, have striven and succeeded in pushing back the boundaries of human knowledge. Ranging across the spectrum of scientific endeavour, from the cosmology of Copernicus and Galileo, through the medical revolutions of it includes the fields of physics, biology, chemistry and genetics.

This is the story of the ideas that have shaped the world today, and the ideas that will shape the future Anaximander c.611-547 B.C. Pythagoras c.581-497 B.C.460-377 B.C.Democritus of Abdera c.460-370 B.C. Plato c.427-347 B.C.Platonism / Greek philosophy Aristotle c.384-322 B.C. Platonism / Greek philosophy Euclid c.330-260 B.C.Platonism / Greek philosophy Archimedes c.287-212 B.C. Greek philosophy 170-125 B.C. Zhang Heng 78-139 A.D.Ptolemy 90-168 A.D. Galen of Pergamum 130-201 A.D. Al-Khwarizmi 800-850 Islam Johannes Gutenberg 1400-1468 Catholic Leonardo da Vinci 1452 Jan9 Catholic Nicolas Copernicus 14722 Jan Catholic (priest) Andreas Vesalius 1512 Jan8 Catholic William Gilbert 1540-1603 Francis Bacon 1562 Jan Anglican Galileo Galileo 15622 Jan Catholic Johannes Kepler 1572 Jan8 Lutheran William Harvey 15722 Jan Anglican (nominal) Johann van Helmont 1572 Jan Rene Descartes 15922 Jan Catholic Blaise Pascal 1623-1662 Jansenist Robert Boyle 16222 Jan Anglican Christiann Huygens 16222 Jan Calvinist Anton van Leeuwenhoek 1632 Jan9 Dutch Reformed Robert Hooke 16322 Jan Anglican Sir Isaac Newton 1642 Jan0 Anglican (rejected Trinitarianism, i.e. , Athanasianism believed in the Arianism of the Primitive Church) Edmund Halley 1652 Jan2 Thomas Newcomen 16622 Jan Baptist Daniel Fahrenheit 16822 Jan Benjamin Franklin 1722 Jan7 Presbyterian; Deist Joseph Black 17222 Jan Henry Cavendish 17322 Jan1 Joseph Priestley 17322 Jan3 Unitarian James Watt 17322 Jan Presbyterian (lapsed) Charles de Coulomb 17322 Jan Joseph Montgolfier 1740-1810 Karl Wilhelm Scheele 17422 Jan Antoine Lavoisier 17422 Jan6 Catholic Count Alessandro Volta 17422 Jan Catholic Edward Jenner 17422 Jan9 Anglican John Dalton 17622 Jan1 Quaker Andre-Marie Ampere 17522 Jan Amedo Avogadro 17722 Jan Catholic Joseph Gay-Lussac 1772 Jan3 Charles Babbage 1792 Jan Anglican Michael Faraday 1792 Jan7 Sandemanian Charles Darwin 182 Jan Anglican (nominal); Unitarian James Joule 1812 Jan Louis Pasteur 1822 Jan Catholic Johann Gregor Mendel 1822 Jan Catholic (Augustinian monk) Jean-Joseph Lenoir 1822 Jan7 Lord Kelvin 1822 Jan Anglican James Clerk Maxwell 1832 Jan3 Presbyterian; Anglican; Baptist Alfred Nobel 1832 Jan8 Wilhelm Gottlieb Daimler 1832 Jan9 Dmitri Mendeleev 1832 Jan Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen 1842 Jan Thomas Alva Edison 1842 Jan Congregationalist; agnostic Alexander Graham Bell 1844-15647 Unitarian/Universalist Antoine-Henri Becquerel 1852 Jan8 Catholic Paul Ehrlich 1852 Jan Jewish Nikola Tesla 1852 Jan Sir John Joseph Thomson 1852 Jan Sigmund Freud 1852 Jan Jewish; Atheist; Freudian psychoanalysis (Freudianism) Heinrich Rudolf Hertz 1852 Jan Lutheran Max Planck 1852 Jan3 Protestant Leo Baekeland 1862 Jan Thomas Hunt Morgan 1866-19422 Janie Curie 18622 Jan Catholic (lapsed) Ernest Rutherford 18722 Jan The Wright Brothers Wilbur: 1862 Jan; Orville: 1872 Jan United Brethren Guglielmo Marconi 1842 Jan7 Catholic and Anglican Frederick Soddy 1872 Jan Albert Einstein 1872 Jan Jewish Alexander Fleming 1882 Jan Catholic Robert Goddard 1882 Jan8 Neils Bohr 1882 Jan8 Jewish Lutheran Erwin Schrodinger 1882 Jan9 Catholic Henry Moseley 1882 Jan Edwin Hubble 1882 Jan Sir James Chadwick 1892 Jan Frederick Banting 1892 Jan Louis de Broglie 1892 Jan3 Enrico Fermi 192 Jan9 Catholic Werner Heisenberg 192 Jan9 Lutheran Linus Carl Pauling 192 Jan7 Lutheran Robert Oppenheimer 192 Jan Jewish Sir Frank Whittle 192 Jan Edward Teller 1908- Jewish William Shockley 192 Jan3 Alan Turing 192 Jan Jewish Jonas Salk 1912 Jan Jewish Rosalind Franklin 1920-1958 Jewish James Dewey Watson 1928- Stephen Hawking 1942- atheist Tim Berners-Lee 1955- Unitarian.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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