Who's the artist is that sings a song with these lyrics in it, "Oh no what can I say, I'm so sad that you went away?

Who's the artist is that sings a song with these lyrics in it, "Oh no what can I say, I'm so sad that you went away.." I hear this song frequently on our private radio network at work. I know it's a female singer and I also believe it may be an 'idie' group. Thanks for your help.

Asked by newuser12051475 41 months ago Similar questions: artist sings song lyrics sad Entertainment > Music.

Similar questions: artist sings song lyrics sad.

Sources: http://www.6lyrics.com/music/brandi_carlile/lyrics/what_can_i_say2.aspx jrkeyboard's Recommendations Brandi Carlile - Brandi Carlile + ( Bonus Tracks ) Amazon List Price: $12.98 Used from: $8.08 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 26 reviews) Video .

I think this might be the song you are thinking of. What Can I Say by Brandi Carlile. Here is the chorus... Oh Lord what can I say I'm so sad since you went away Time time tickin' on me Alone is the last place I wanted to be Lord what can I say Sources: stlyrics.com/songs/b/brandicarlile25758/... PsYcLL's Recommendations Brandi Carlile Amazon List Price: $12.98 Used from: $6.14 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 88 reviews) This is the album that contains the song What Can I Say..

Thats some of the lyrics. " "what is name and artist of some with lyrics there's a sad song stuck in your head memories under your bed" "I am looking for the artist who sings this song. The song goes "what I really meant to say, I am sorry for the way I am." "What is your favorite country music song and the artist that sings it?

" "who sings the song with some of the lyrics "I'll Agree" or "That's What I'll Be", and what is the name of the song? It'.

What country artist sings the song with the lyrics take your cat and leave my sweater.

A country song I need to know the artist and the lyrics.

Who sings this song I have some of the lyrics but don't know who sings it.

What is name and artist of some with lyrics there's a sad song stuck in your head memories under your bed.

I am looking for the artist who sings this song. The song goes "what I really meant to say, I am sorry for the way I am.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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