Stop. Ask yourself why it would bother you if a person had a superiority complex. Then ask yourself if you would similarly be bothered if they were gay.
Alcoholic. Sexually addicted. LeBron James (shallow insipid celebrity with an image machine, pick one, there's thousands).
A superiority complex is a state of mind developed by a human being with consciousness. A zombie can't have a superiority complex, but do you want zombies in the pew alongside you? Perhaps you would prefer everyone be exactly the same in maturation?
It ain't going to happen that way boy. There will always be people both superior and inferior to you. Who are you to judge whether that translates to them having a complex or being "good" in YOUR eyes because they don't "act" superior.
Is it OK for LeBron to act superior, but not your friend who actually knows way more than you ever will about your Catholic faith? Why does the other person's proclivity bother you? Because you are immature.
Each man and woman, child or infant, is the image of God in your life. Each is a gift. Ghandi knew this as a man of implicit faith.
In every respect that he walked the walk that Catholics talk, he was promoting and furthering the work of God, the opus dei, on earth. So he loved his fellow man to the point that he was superfriendly to his Muslim brothers, and his own Hindi extremist brethren shot him down. He isn't the first, and he won't be the last.
Great Soul yes, and you should listen to the part of your last quoted sentence when he says that he can only "wish and pray that (you) may live and GROW perfect in (your) own faith." This implicitely says the person was of a less mature status of faith, and Ghandi was a real human being who lived a real life and knew people are at all sorts of stages in their lives and have all sorts of proclivities and frames of reference. Is homosexuality wrong thinking?
Of course it is. Is alcoholism? Of course.
Other sexual hedonism? Of course. Jealousy?
Of course. All of these states of mind work against the will of God. For it to be "on earth as it is in heaven," there must be the sacramental life that Jesus Christ instituted as the cornerstone of the Catholic Church and that the Apostle Simon Peter et.
Al. Provided the foundation for through the spreading of the sacraments throughout the Roman Empire, even to the capital where death awaited Simon. On the rock of Peter's faith the Catholic Church is built according to the words remembered to have come from Christ's own mouth.
Keep following the Church with awareness that you are always at some point along a continuum of maturity and faith. Faith is an abstract, so anyone who treats an abstract as "more" or "less" is talking in the abstract. Do you attend Mass?
Do you honor holy days of obligation? Do you go to confession at least once a year? Do you know the precepts of the Catholic Church?
Do you know what faith, hope and charity (love) are? Do you say a rosary to solidify your knowledge of the Gospels? Or do you spend your time marveling at the many bigots who hate the Catholic Church?
Do you delve into arguments that start from Protestant polemics created 500 years ago and still clung to by struggling morons? Can you tell the difference between a moron and a right-minded human being? Do you have an adequate faculty of reason and the confidence to wield this gift to further not your own, but God's will?
Can you be tolerant of morons without sacrificing the very necessary ability to call it as you see it? Or would you like to swing on a star? Faith isn't a competition.
Just because "faiths" were born from competition, you must realize the competition was man against state, not man against the Catholic Church. The Church found itself caught between its parishoners and the corruption of power. That won't happen again, so quietly observe others without passing judgment and keep growing in peace, love and hap hap happiness.
I'll leave you with a production from 1944, during the heart of World War II and just a few years before Ghandi was slaughtered. Enjoy.
Even a cursory examination of Christian thought and values, based on the teachings and life of Jesus, would indicate that a sense of superiority runs counter to the teachings and worldview. This, if such a sense does exists among any who claim Christianity, it probably points to a very corrupt understanding.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.