Will Apple add wireless sync to iTouch?

Not a whole lotta information, but here's my conclusion from what I've found...Maybe! =) "According to an Email received by iClarified a private framework has been spotted by the name of “Wireless Sync� This is not confirmed, but may be coming up soon, since they already have the code written.

ISchmaves-sPhone:/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks root# ls ….. MobileSync. Framework/ JavaScriptCore. Framework/ MobileWirelessSync.

Framework/ WebKit. Framework/ Checkout the following Screen Shot :


Rumors and speculation aside, I see some significant reasons why Apple would not implement a wireless sync feature. First among them is that forcing people to sit down at a computer with itunes open increases the chances that the user will make purchases from the itunes store. Another reason is that Apple strives for simplicity.

Any implementation would require a user to do something to initiate the transfer. If they are already at the computer, why not just plug it in? An automatic sync with no notice would be disastrous if you wanted to change your sync options before the sync took place deleting content from your device or machine.

Wireless syncing also encourages people to needlessly leave wifi turned on reducing the perceived battery life of the ipod. Finally, there are security concerns if data can be wirelessly extracted from an ipod.

Not a whole lotta information, but here's my conclusion from what I've found...Maybe! =) "According to an Email received by iClarified a private framework has been spotted by the name of “Wireless Sync” This is not confirmed, but may be coming up soon, since they already have the code written. ISchmaves-sPhone:/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks root# ls ….. MobileSync.

Framework/ JavaScriptCore. Framework/ MobileWirelessSync. Framework/ WebKit.

Framework/ Checkout the following Screen Shot :


The software hole involved in a popular method for jailbreaking Apple's iOS devices has reportedly been patched by the company as part of iOS 5, the free system software update that's due out later this year. Digging through the beta version of iOS 5, which Apple made available to developers earlier this month, the iPhone Dev-Team--a group of hackers that targets Apple devices and is not to be confused with Apple's group that designs the iOS software--has discovered a change that threatens to close a loophole the group has long exploited. "Those of you who have been jailbreaking for a while have probably heard us periodically warn you to 'save your blobs' for each firmware.... Saving your blobs for a given firmware on your specific device allows you to restore *that* device to *that* firmware even after Apple has stopped signing it," the group wrote on its blog yesterday.

The group says Apple has implemented a system that checks for a uniquely generated chunk of data each time the phone is restored. The problem there is that only Apple has the keys to unlock that code to let the phone boot up successfully. The end result is that jailbreaking methods that took advantage of that vulnerability could be endangered if that same system is employed in the final version of the software.

The iPhone-Dev Team notes that "there may still be ways to combat this" but that it's not showing its cards just yet, since it might give Apple time to make a fix ahead of a general release. "They've stepped up their game!" the group said of Apple's security efforts. Apple's iPhone and other iOS devices continue to be hot targets for hackers.

Ahead of the release of the App Store, one of the most popular reasons to jailbreak an iOS device was to be able to install third-party software. Even after the launch of the App Store, places like third-party app repository Cydia became destinations for developers who couldn't get their applications through Apple's approval process. Another popular reason was to unlock the iPhone so that it would work on other carriers, an option Apple now offers to U.S. buyers at a hefty price premium.

IOS 5 is due out this fall. Last week Apple released a second beta of the software to developers so they could use it to test their applications for compatibility with the OS and its new features. The first beta of the software was allegedly jailbroken by a member of the iPhone-Dev Team in less than 24 hours.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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