Tomatoes normally require at least 6 hours of full sun each day, but there are varieties that will thrive and produce delicious tomatoes in shadier spots of the garden. Larger tomatoes will not tolerate shade, so your best bet is to go with medium and smaller sized tomato varieties. Nyagous, White Cherry, Sun Gold, Rosalita, Matinas, Stupice, Bloody Butcher, Jet Star, Jetsetter, Golden Jubilee, Green Zebra, Northern Lights, Siletz, Julia Child and Black Prince are all varieties of mid-sized and small tomatoes that are shade tolerant.
One strategy for dealing with tomatoes, if you can't get rid of a shade tree or can't find a sunny place for your crops, is to plant them in containers. Planting tomatoes in containers allows you to move them to spots that are sunny. Container plants are also easier to maintain, no getting on your hands and knees to weed them and the plants produce the same amount of tomatoes as they would if they were in the garden.
Tomatoes grow well in large containers that hold at least 5 gallons of soil. Place them on your deck or porch or balcony where they'll get enough sun to thrive. Almost all varieties of tomatoes will grow in a container.
How to Grow Better Tomatoes: Vegetable Gardening in Containers:
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