Would you rather buy American, than made in China, even though it might cost more for the same product?

Recently I purchased a set of wooden blocks for my two-year-old granddaughter, but before I bought them I wanted to make sure that they didn't have any lead or other toxins which could harm her. I finally bought a set from an American based company called Barclays. They did cost more than what I priced out at Walmart, but I slept better that night knowing they were safe.

Asked by rhine44 12 months ago Similar questions: buy American made China cost product Consumer Electronics.

Similar questions: buy American made China cost product.

I prefer to buy top quality, and it saddens me when I have to buy from overseas to accomplish that.

Yes, I try to do thatt, and it's one of the many reasons Wally world doesn't get my business.

Wally world. I like that. Rhine44 12 months ago .

If our plans work there will be things that China makes and things make and our economies will cooperate. That is the ideal. If that works, I will have no problem buying things made in China.

According to people in the government, like Tim Geitner, we do have a trade policy with many USA products that are vital to the Chinese economy.

On the whole, yes, I would prefer to buy American than Chinese, and would pay more to do that. But I also prefer to buy the best quality I can at a price I can live with. So, I end up buying foreign goods quite often--not so much Chinese, but certainly Japanese and European.In a global economy, I don't think that is wrong.

We should buy from them, and they should buy from us. I like the variety of goods that we can get nowadays. But the old adage remains that you usually get what you pay for.

Gh quality generally costs a bit more. And that doesn't bother me, either. I buy it when I can afford it, and often wish I could when I can't afford it.

" "You know you've got it made when Ziggy talks about your product. Wonder how much this plug cost Jeff Bezos?" "Lead, it's not just Made in China any more. " "Are we closer to the end of the "American consumer" as we know it?

Or it's just a sensation?" "made in china, what date would this suggest" "How do I sell my product if it is not already on here? Noone else will have a match because its made by me. " "Where are Coach handbags made?

I would think not China. " "What kinds of product made in china do you like? " "Just wondering have you ever seen a product regardless of what it is been reduced in price to the consumer,DETAILS" "How much does it cost to manufacture a fairly simple consumer product?

You know you've got it made when Ziggy talks about your product. Wonder how much this plug cost Jeff Bezos?

Lead, it's not just Made in China any more.

Made in china, what date would this suggest.

Noone else will have a match because its made by me.

Just wondering have you ever seen a product regardless of what it is been reduced in price to the consumer,DETAILS.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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