(Hypothetical) Would you want someone EXACTLY LIKE YOU for a friend? How about a next-door neighbor?

You know YOU, better than anyone on Earth. Assume that the person has YOUR looks, and is EXACTLY LIKE YOU, emotionally, psychologically and intellectually. Asked by Scorpio7 41 months ago Similar questions: Hypothetical friend next door neighbor Science > Psychology.

Similar questions: Hypothetical friend next door neighbor.

There are pros and cons here....mostly I think I fall short As a friend, I am too neglectful. My friends have to be very forgiving. I am a chronic depressive and have gotten worse lately - very low energy.

I used to be better and pull through for people - ha! In my younger days. I can still be counted on in an emergency and a friend could call me in the middle of the night if needed and I would rise to the occasion (no pun intended).

However, on a day to day basis, I'm not up for meeting often, going shopping together, lots of phone calls, etc. So, for most people, I probably do not provide enough contact to be a friend. Luckily for me, I am blessed with several friends who I have from way back with whom I stay in contact intermittently and we will be good friends forever regardless of frequency of visits/calls, etc.As a neighbor - pros - I'll stay out of your business. Cons - I'm not the best at keeping things up.

Now I keep the grass cut, (but used to wait too long between mowings), but I do let things go too long in terms of fixing, say, pickets that have fallen down from a fence, keeping a garden weeded (to the point where volunteer trees are growing in it). It's a long story but I'm away a whole lot now so I'm paying someone to keep the lawn up and the garden beds under general control. My house is sided but really needs painting and replacement windows now.

I am thinking of selling it to someone to "flip" it; so am on the fence about sinking money into it. Of course, the housing market is bad right now, too. And my employment is a bit uncertain (another long story).

So, I guess I wouldn't be too crazy about living next door to me right now. I'll help a neighbor out if I can, but again, the low energy - I'm not good about initiating things - I try to take something over to a new neighbor moving in, but I am neglectful of sick neighbors, don't visit enough. So, basically, no, overall I'm not such a good neighbor.

Oh, yeah, one other thing. I don't like to share unless it's MY idea. I grow a lot of flowers and I love to pick them and give them to people, but it really annoys me when neighbors ask if they can go into my yard and get some themselves.

I don't think other people would be as annoyed by this. I let them do it but I don't like it! Another example - I hate a dull pencil so I always took about 6 sharpened pencils to tests like the SATs and stuff like that (this was long ago and I don't think mechanical pencils were much in use) and it just killed me that complete strangers thought I brought some of those pencils for them!

So I'm really not good at sharing, unless, like I said, it's my idea. Sources: personal experience and opinion .

Next door Neighbour I would love a neighbour like me, in fact I almost have one...........we never see each other apart from once or twice a year to say hi and how are you across the fence. Well almost across the fence but then the houses are at least 300 yards apart! Great and I highly recommend it........Kim .

1 if I knew someone exactly like me,i'd feel so bad for them.

If I knew someone exactly like me,i'd feel so bad for them.

Read below! " "How do I deal with my bad neighbor?" "Please .... won't you be .... my neighbor? " "Do you have a neighbor like this?

" (10 answers) "What is the best way to repel neighbor dogs, so they don't poop on your front door?" "Hypothetical question...what do you think Askville would do if...." "We (really my husband) hired our next door neighbor to clean the house. How can I fire her? " "Are You A "Good Neighbor?

Hypothetical question...what do you think Askville would do if....

We (really my husband) hired our next door neighbor to clean the house. How can I fire her?

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