$20 million a year Mitt says it's FAIR that he pays a lower tax rate then someone making 50k a year?

I'd like to see the left produce one (1) of their elected officials who has donated a larger percentage of income to charity than Romney has. I know for a fact that if they put their president and vice president together, they'd still fall far short of making the contributions that Romney has. What they should be doing is demanding that Obama and Biden put up or, shut up bc right now, they're making the entire brood of them look like fools.

As to Reid, Romney had already released one year before he made that statement, and the left jumped all over it despite the fact that it was obviously a lie thereby, again making everyone who repeated it look like a dunce. In short, with leaders like the left has, who needs enemies?

We don't know that Harry Reid is wrong until Romney releases his past taxes (as every other presidential candidate has for the past several decades) in full. If he gave $4M to charity, that means he earned $40M. Mormons are asked to give 10% of their earnings to the Church.

Why would it be so hard to pay more in taxes? How would that impact him and his family? Puh-leez.

I think "fairness", although that's the word he used, is not the issue. What is the issue is the immoral, unethical ways the bills were passed that allow non-earned money to be taxed at the lower rate. It was the hedge fund managers and the power they wield with their $$$$ that got this into the tax code and it needs to be removed.

THEN people like those who sit on their asses and bring in money based on the woes of others will actually have to pay their share and not be shielded by the tax code. And to the idiots here who think 1 or 2 million is a LOT of money - well that's only because you've never had access to several hundred millions of $$. If you had, you'd know that 1 to 2 million is hiccup and isn't even missed.

And those who buy into the lie that 47% don't pay income tax...well let me ask you....just how the HELL do we know Mitt isn't one of those -- since he won't release a descent number of tax returns....after all we KNOW many billionairres didn't pay any taxes at all too...are they part of your 47%?

Perhaps you would like to be the first to do that. Oh wait, you don't pay any tax's, do you? Perhaps you think that the government would be much wiser then Romney in the way that they spend money.

Sometimes I think that people who have no money do not have a clue about money. I know the government doesn't. Perhaps I could give you a lesson or 2.

If you raise tax's on stock investments, less people will invest in them. This means that stock prices will go down. Those who own mutual funds or individual stocks will lose some of their worth.

Retired folks who depend upon their wealth may have to go back to work. Companies may have to lay off employee's. Of course you don't work anyway, do you?

Personally, I am more concerned about the retiree's then those who can't quite pick themselves up to work and want to rely upon government to fix all their ills. Perhaps you are at war with the greedy companies. Any idea who owns these greedy corporations and who hires the greedy presidents of companies?

It is the share holders. Those who own stock. I doubt if you own stock.

However, those who have stocks or mutual funds in their retirement plans such as the retired folks only care about the bottom line. They would sell their stock in a flash if it did not produce (greedy bastard little old ladies). These little old ladies would be quick to fire the president if he started caring to much about people and not the bottom line.

They do this every year when the law requires a vote of shareholders for the president. Here is another interesting fact about businesses. Have you ever wondered how you could possibly own a car, television, house, and receive all kinds of food almost to your doorstep at affordable prices.

It is because of business and business leaders who work long hours to succeed in providing you with all the comforts of home at affordable prices. We hired a guy to be president whose only gift is that he is a nice guy and has a nice smile. When inflation takes off because of Obama's irresponsible spending, do you know who will suffer most?

The poor. The rich have savings. Do you know how big a number 16 trillion is?

It is the amount of seconds in 507,357 years. That is five hundred seven thousand three hundred fifty seven years.

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