FAIR TAX? Would food, clothing and shelter be exempt if there was a fair tax?

Similar questions: FAIR TAX food clothing shelter exempt fair tax.

From what I have read, a "pure" fair tax would NOT exempt food, clothing, or shelter. Politicians know that will never fly, so they have been talking about a 'modified' fair tax where some things are exempt. But remember, the Fair Tax concept is being sold as something wonderful.It has never been tried, and for it to be effective it has to take into account all levels of government - Federal, State, and Local.

Otherwise it's a shell game. And EVERY book I have read talks about at the Federal level only. The fair tax is a dangerous experiment.

The rich love sales tax. What they buy out of income is just a few per cent.

" "We are a Tax exempt church. How do I apply for tax exemption on orders that we place with Amazon" "are purchases from virginia tax exempt" "Would you, could you - at the fair? It's state fair time again, and that means.....FAIR FOOD!

" "Does a PA tax exempt certificate cover deliveries to Ohio?" "Anyone know of some good resources to learn about the fair tax? " "Do you support the Fair Tax as proposed by Congressman Linder and supported by Neal Boortz? " "How do I place a tax exempt order?" "IS PRE TAX MEDICAL ALSO EXEMPT FROM SS/MEDICARE" "The University of TN is tax-exempt.

How do I place an order & make sure there is no tax charged? Thanks so much!

We are a Tax exempt church. How do I apply for tax exemption on orders that we place with Amazon.

It's state fair time again, and that means.....FAIR FOOD!

Is pre tax medical also exempt from ss/medicare.

The University of TN is tax-exempt. How do I place an order & make sure there is no tax charged? Thanks so much!

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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