0bama admin halts work on oil spill cap. Didn't I predict this?

Once again getting attacked for pointing out something wrong or fishy about Obama administration,not saying he conspired to make it happen but he does appear to have stood aside and let it get worse and only really stepping in after public scrutiny,and then with a real lack of effort,it is coming from the mouths of the very people suffering from this that the federal government's response and lack of material a plan and leadership is making things even worse. It is odd that Obama's main focus revolves around promoting and pushing the green agenda. In his state of the union address he did not show any real passion until he started talking about his cap and trade agenda.

He is more concerned about his political agenda than the gulf or it's citizens,he is trying to use their misfortune and pain to his advantage and that is shameful and disgusting. Yes there are things that need to done to lessen our dependence on oil but they are costly and long term ideas nad right now with our nation in a financial crisis it is the best or smartest time to be spending more,we cannot afford it plain and simple,keep pushing this spending and we will not even have a nation to benefit from all this reckless and breakneck spending,it is almost like the liberals are trying to destroy this country thru financial ruin. Obama is also trying to push as much of the liberal agenda as possible before november when his majority will be taken away because the democrats are going to lose their majority because the american public is sick of their reckless spending and absolute disregard for what the public wants.

Obama and the liberals are just using this disaster to advance their green agenda and the american people are actually staring to see Obama for what he is,just another corrupt and deceitful politician who lied to get himself elected and now he is trying to consolidate as much power as possible,this man is more power hungry and greedy than any president in the history of this nation. Obama and his liberal loyalist followers are trying to take control of every aspect of the american society bit by bit,started with housing,banking,auto industry,heathcare and now they are going after the energy industry. This man is the reincarnation of hitler or stalin minus the genecide.

He wants control over everything and is slowly getting it. Liberal have even proposed that the internet and all media and information sources should be under federal control like I is in places like venezuela,cuba,russia and china. If you speak out against the governement they can and will silence you.

Obama has even shown his disdain for any information that is contrary to his agenda,he used the internet and computer technology in a big way during his run for president but now that are many more dissenters of him and his actions and policies out there he saya that there is too much information and technology out there and it should be put in check.

There are a few coincidences.... Goldman Sachs sold $200 Million worth of shares in BP a couple weeks before this. (Many members of the Obama administration formerly worked at Goldman Sachs) Tony Hayward sold 1/3 of his shares in BP, 4 weeks before this. The oil rig exploded on Earth Day.

Obama refused the help of 13 Nations offering help to clean up the oil... and still has not accepted this help. And apparently Halliburton was buying up 'oil clean-up' gear just 2 weeks before this.

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