10 gallon fish tank with betta?

I have a male betta in my 30-gallon community tank. Some of his tank mates are 3 ADFs and 3 mystery snails. All my frogs are full-grown.

1 of my snails is full grown, but small. The other 2 are about the size of large ramshorn snails and growing fast. I don’t know if size is a factor.

They all get along very well. My betta was the last to go in the tank. That may have something to do with it.

Your tank is very small! Get yourself a 12-gallon Eclipse, a third frog (they like to be in groups no less than 3), a betta, and the snails. That should be a happy tank.

Good luck!

I really don't recommend the mix because your tank is too small. Bettas can be mixed with a number of types of fish and creatures, including snails, dwarf frogs, and shrimp, but only in a bigger tank. A 2.5 gallon is a tiny, tiny, tank and there is only enough room for the dwarf frogs OR the betta.

See, bettas are not terribly aggressive, but they are territorial - to mix them in a community means the tank needs to be big enough to provide enough room for other fish and the bettas own space. If you want to start creating a small community of creatures then I highly recommend going with a bigger tank - 10 gallons is generally a good starting point for this. Part of successfully making a betta community is decorating well, with lots of plants and decorations for all the livestock to hide amongst.

I've kept bettas successfully with those frogs, snails, small shrimp, small fish (cardinals, white clouds) and bottom dwellers like corydoras and small loaches. But this was all in tanks above 10 gallons. Mystery's are huge, messy snails, growing to the size of small apples, and are not suitable to your tank either.

Until you can upgrade you would be wisest to just leave the frogs in peace and not experiment with living creatures to find one that can best handle an unsuitable environment.

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