If your AV out is broken you are very limited. You can buy a HDMI-to-composite video scaler box such as one made by Gefen. It will convert any HDMI resolution from 480i up to 1080i into composite or S-video.

This would then be suitable to connect to your DVD recorder or a cheap video capture device such as a Dazzle or Pinnacle capture product. Your EEE netbook should just about be powerful enough to capture and edit SD video from one of those although you may be happier if you added some more RAM (1GB isn't really enough for video editing). The Gefen boxes are not cheap though and sell for around £240 in the UK.

A link to Markettek who sell it in the UK is below. An alternative is a PCI Express HDMI capture card such as the Intesity Pro to record in full HD quality but you will require a proper and reasonably powerful desktop PC for this. It will not connect to your netbook.

The card is available from a few places including Siren Technology in the UK for £130 (link below). I have not used one of these but they look like they would do the job. I have not come across any USB capture devices suitable for your netbook which can record from a HDMI signal - possibly due to the bandwidth and processing required being too high.

Your camcorder doesn't have any sort of video input port so you will not be able to record directly to that. You would have to point it to your TV and record in a darkened room but the quality would be pretty poor.

Why don't you connect the ps3 to your dvd recorder then connect the dvd recorder to your tv, you don't need any cables due to you have all the cables already.

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