19 and receding hairline / bald spot?

Its very fashionable for gay men to shave their heads. Do that and you will fit in and look your age.

Im sorry to hear that :/ only prescription drugs can really help.

The only practical help would be hair transplantation like they did on sir Elton and many other celebrities. "Hair transplantation is a surgical technique that involves moving individual hair follicles from one part of the body (the donor site) to bald or balding parts (the recipient site). " - (Wikipedia).

I'm 25 atm. People started noticing my male pattern baldness already when I was your age (i.e.19yo). I remember since I was 14-15 when washing my head I had lots of hair coming off so that the plughole got blocked almost every time after that :) Anyways, don't bother with all those drugs out there.In case you have enough money then try transplanting, otherwise do like me, buzz your hair to 1mm once or twice a week.

I did that 4 year ago when I was in the army - then I didn't like that look but now for some reason I do. I've buzzed my hair for two months by now and I'm very ok with that. Of course for others it was a shock at the first they saw my new look coz I had long curly hair before that :) Loads of positive things about that now: 1st I don't have to fix my hair every morning; 2nd I'm saving money coz I don't have to go to hairdresser; 3rd I'm saving coz I don't have to use expensive shampoo anymore; 4th people take me more seriously now :) So don't bother and go on - there's much more important things in life!

Might be Alopecia Areata (SPOT BALDNESS). It is an autoimmune disease that causes bald spot that can spread to the whole scalp and sometimes even the whole body. Stress has been known to be the main cause.

For a start you can compare with the images in curespotbaldness.com. Following this, a skin biopsy should be carried out by a trained medical doctor or a dermatologist. This is the best way to diagnose and confirm.It will show any abnormal concentration of T-cells (immune cells) at the affected area.

My bro did the same when had this problem. However he managed to recover using a treatment he found in the website. Wish you a quick recovery.

The only proven treatments are Minoxidil, Propecia, and laser therapy. None of which do much for frontal receding hairlines, only crown thinning. I was in the same boat as you.

A noticeably receding/thinning hairline in my teens. For me, I just rocked the Jason Statham look and moved on with my life.

If you want laser treatment, it's all well & good but to get the professional look YOU desire, it will cost money you simply havn't got. But you can't look old, you're only 19. It's really a matter of learning to live with it, look at Elton John, he's tried it so many times & only got it right this time, look how much money he has.

Don't let it dominate you're life, don't even think about it, so what if you have receeding hair line, millions of others do and they have to cope. I'm not being rude or insensitive to you in saying this, on the contrary. What's more important than anything to you is living life to the full & having a happy life, the reason it stands out so much for you is because you're so young & it's new.

Take Good Care & Try not to Worry. Merry Christmas, Karen x.

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