The truth is the receding hairline is most likely genetics and there is not a whole lot you can do. Nioxin sells products for hair loss and they may be of some help to you. There are a few things you can do that may help slightly.1.Be sure to eat a well balanced healthy diet!
Exercise and drinking plenty of water also can help.2. Avoid stress at all costs. Stress is silent and we can not see the effects it has on our body and even our hair.
It can cause premature hair loss. 3. Double check with the doctor that you do not have an underlying medical condition that is causing hair loss.
Certain medications can also cause hair loss. 4. Avoid chemical processes on the hair and thermal hair tools.
Do not wear hair styles that may pull on the hair. For an example, pulling the hair back into a tight ponytail can cause the hair to become weak or fall out. If you do have a receding hairline and are a man, you may want to keep the bangs a bit longer.
It may cover the area and make it less noticeable.
Receding hairlines can be caused by a number of factors. For instance, many independent scientific studies over the past several years have come to the same conclusion - that certain kinds of male baldness are an early indicator of heart disease. It is the pattern of balding that is significant.
If you are experiencing loss of hair from the crown, the percentage of loss will be proportionate to your increased risk of heart disease. This correlates with high blood pressure and high cholesterol. It stands to reason that if you can retrieve your heart health by reigning in your blood pressure through proper diet and excercise, you might be able to slow your hair loss, or stop it entirely.
Think of the crown of your head as a barometer. Scientists think that men with this kind of balding is related to the effects of testosterone on a man over his lifetime. Early in his life, testosterone helps him compete physically, but with age, it stresses his heart, predisposing him to high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol, increased risk of thickening and hardening of arteries, and fatty deposits in these blood vessels.
Given this, the best way a man can do is excercise, to strengthen his heart and decrease fat build-up, as well as eat a lean, low-fat, low-salt diet, while drinking plenty of water each day to keep his circulation healthy. However, the same correlation doesn't exist for male pattern baldness exhibited from mild frontal hair loss, or a receding hair line. This means that your health is less at risk to heart disease.
Still, the sensitivity to male sex hormones is responsible, and known to close off hair follicles at their receptor points, even for balding men with frontal hair loss. Hair-restoring drugs like finasteride have been shown to arrest hair loss in some men by blocking the action of testosterone. This is to replace the diminished presence of sex hormone binding globulin in your body, which would normally play this role.
A receding hairline still correlates to sensitivities to male sex hormones, but is caused by a distinctively different problem. You have a combination of hormones that make you distinctly male - alongside testosterone - known as androgens. They circulate throughout your blood.
For you, they cause your hair follicles to shrink, to the point they can no longer perform their task of replacing lost hairs. They are still alive, but compromised. Your receding hair line, associated with frontal hair loss, is most likely caused by a sensitivity to your own hormones, and lowered levels of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), which is responsible for binding testosterone and preventing its bioavailability, primarily its conversion to dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
Too much DHT, from too little SHBG, overwhelms your hair follicles' receptors. DHT does play an important role in your body - it regulates your prostate. But you only need so much of it before it's counterproductive for your hairline.
Proper levels of SHBG are important, and is regulated and greatly affected by your insulin levels. Insulin is produced by the pancreas in response to foods you eat. Again, proper diet and excercise can only help you, here.
Also, recent evidence suggest that more than anything else, the liver's production of fats is primarily responsible for reduced SHBG levels, which good sleep and diet would help mitigate. Remember that your body is a network of processes that must work in harmony. Take care of yourself - it can't hurt, anyway.
Genetically, you may no longer produce as many of the enzymes you need to assist your body in maintaining its natural balance, but you can help it out with a little assistance. Eat right. Excercise.
Drink plenty of fluids. Get enough sleep. If all else fails, there are some drugs available, like finasteride, that can help, but they do have side effects.
There are products that are proven help slowing and regain hair. One of the most famous product for that purpose is "Rogaine" . Make your dad try that.
The truth is the receding hairline is most likely genetics and there is not a whole lot you can do. Nioxin sells products for hair loss and they may be of some help to you. There are a few things you can do that may help slightly.
1. Be sure to eat a well balanced healthy diet! Exercise and drinking plenty of water also can help.
2. Avoid stress at all costs. Stress is silent and we can not see the effects it has on our body and even our hair.
It can cause premature hair loss. 3. Double check with the doctor that you do not have an underlying medical condition that is causing hair loss.
Certain medications can also cause hair loss. 4. Avoid chemical processes on the hair and thermal hair tools.
Do not wear hair styles that may pull on the hair. For an example, pulling the hair back into a tight ponytail can cause the hair to become weak or fall out. If you do have a receding hairline and are a man, you may want to keep the bangs a bit longer.
It may cover the area and make it less noticeable.
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