200,000 showed up in Berlin to see Obama, so if the pathetic Republicans want to compare audience sizes ...?

It is indeed a very bad comparison, no one died in Watergate.

And they STILL have no evidence of a cover-up in Benghazi, the AP intrusion was apparently just another "safety" procedure that all started with Bush/Cheney's wiretapping idea, and the IRS scandal was done by low-level employees who've since been fired." False, false, and false. On Benghazi, we have repeatedly politically altered CIA talking points, numerous lies by Carney/Rice/Clinton, and contradictions by Obama.

The seizure of the AP phone records affects not just the AP, but also the phones in the House of Representatives. Eric Holder is already spewing BS about it, and it still hasn't been explained why this was done secretly. As for the IRS scandal, Obama just dodged questions on whether the White House knew the IRS targeted conservatives.

There's also the fact that this undue scrutiny came from multiple offices, including the DC headquarters. Add that the IRS employees themselves say they were ordered by bosses to do it and that a liberal group has admitted it was given confidential tax files of conservatives by the IRS, and you have a whole mountain of evidence that this wasn't a "low-level" scandal. To answer your main question: Nixon resigned in the face of imminent impeachment.

One of the articles of impeachment was for this SAME issue. Also, the crime Nixon tried to cover-up didn't involve anyone dying. The point here is that Obama is easily MORE deserving of impeachment than Nixon ever was.


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