Well congratulations Mr. volunteer fireman @jeffhoard this was an interesting interview. A Mahalo Answers sheriff, vertical manager, Mahaloian extraordinaire, hockey fan, Canadian, and now rightly honored Mahaloian of the Week welcome to the great place you helped so much in creating. This honor has been a long time coming and is long overdue as nobody has taught me more about how to be not just a good Mahaloian but a great one than you my Canadian friend and I am sure that I am not the only one.
When I first started @drmatt was the reigning MotW and since then everything has evolved so much into what we have today which is tough to put your finger on as Mahalo has become a unique creature on the internet... there is not a lot to even compare it to and Jeff has helped out as much or more than anyone else in the formation of the attitude and uber-helpful friendliness that has come to define Mahalo and separate us from other websites... not to mention the actual physical creation of much of Mahalo as well. Enjoy your time in the sun and thank you Jeff for laying the foundation of Mahalo, we love this place.
Great interview Jeff! Love the comment about the karma. It is so true here on Mahalo.
The more you give the more you get. Oh... and welcome to the guilty pleasures club too! (we meet every other Tuesday).
Awesome, Jeff! Thanks for letting us get to know you a bit better. And, thanks Mark, for all you do, too.
Yes, Jeff Hord is a great Mahalonian. He is very helpful. I always appreciate his comments on my tasks.
Trough his answers to Budda's questions, I came to know a lot about Jeff. The bonfire in the middle of the beach is very interesting. You and your friends are very daring Jefff!.
Also, we got that @Kalane is with you... Congrats!
Wow. What a very cool glimpse of the real you. I was getting burnt out on the South Park Mounty, so it's been nice seeing your real smiling face.
Thanks for everything you've done for me since my early days at Mahalo and beyond. I was SO glad to hear you spent time in Victoria! (BTW - this answer will put me at 4000 points.
You're helping once more! ) Victoria.
Ahh! I just feels so right to have the return of MOW with Jeff taking the well deserved title and Budda doing an awesome job (as always) with the interview. Congratulations, Jeff.
Good interview! I had no idea Kalane was your fiance. Small world we live in.
Congrats to Jeff on a awesomely deserved honor. Thanks @buddawiggi for the very interesting interview and to Jeff for answering in such entertaining detail.
Congratulations Jeff and I concur you are the member of the week ( and then some) You were the first one that spoke to me on this site and have been a great influence and help ever sense. Awesome interview.
You getting the first new and improved MOTW is just fitting. Answers wouldn't be today the same place had you not been the driving force behind it. I appreciate allt he hard work you put in Answers, and now put in as a VM.It's been a total honor working with you, and I look forward to many more years of it!
Very glad to see @jeffhoard honored with this wonderful distinction. I have just recently started working with him, but love his sports newsletters - they are very informative and helpful. I just wish I had more time in my schedule to put some of this knowledge into action.
Anyway - congratulations @jeffhoard! Looking forward to working with you a lot here in the future!
Congrats Jeff! Very nice to learn more about you! The island fire cracked me up!
I can see 3-4 guys swimming out there in their drawers and laughing. So tell me did ya lose any beer while you were swimming out?
Jeff! You're my HERO! *swoon!
* Btw - is that a golf course your pic was taken on? Get down to Texas brotha - we'll hit some...
This comes as of no surprise at all! Jeff has been one of the strongest members of this community from the very beginning! I really miss us working together but am very glad I still get to bug him in the VM program!
Congratulations Jeff you deserve it! Leslie.
Congratulations Jeff! It is really great getting to know a bit more about you. Those are some nice comments and tips you mentioned for the page managers and new mahalo users.''...might not appreciate the full Mahalo experience until you have actually given somebody else a dollar,...'' That is really cool.
I can still remember a few of the SERPS I did on Mahalo 1.0 (Mahalo Greenhouse). :)
Couldn't have happened to a nice Maholian, congrats on the recognition Jeff.
Jeff Rocks. In the short time I've been here he has shown me the most. I see him taking sports on Mahalo to a higher level.
Here an example of his commitment. Last night I was passed out sick from a reaction to an antibiotic so I did not update my Bobsled page. This morning when I woke up the first thing I did was log on to update the results from last night.
Not only had Jeff already done the update, but had expanded my previous update. Thanks.
I'm just new here in this community so it's really nice to know someone. :) *BTW - I like Calvin and Hobbes! Although I only got one book.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.