Anyone up for a simple random rating of baby names? On a rating of 0-10 how do you rate the baby names from ->?

These aren't all that unusual in my opinion but they're not Sarah or Jacob: Girls: Maewyn Jolene/Joelle/Jolie Dovey/Doveva Magdalena (Maggie or Lena) Persephone Neva Gessamine Ember Ryan/Ryanne - not common for a girl Rosemonde Boys Levi - kinda normal, but not John common Jackson Arden Huckleberry/Huck - Guilty pleasure Nicolo/Nicholai (Nico) Jakoby Thaddeus Dante Sebastian Greyson.

Savannah, Brookelle, Signe (pronounced seena), Jillian, Amity, Daelyn, Aaliya, Freya, Maekin, India, Cheyanne (pronounced shyanne) Elias, Alec, Jai(pronounced jii not jee), Darshan, Kayden, Felton, Malic, Narryn, Roscoe, Carlin.

Sophia~0~ I am incredibly tired of this name and all it's variations. I no longer find it pretty, just annoying. Isabelle~0~ Again, tired of it and find it annoying.

Leona~8~ Very pretty and different. Laura~10~ Old fashioned and gorgeous. Rebecca~10~ A classic.

You can't go wrong with a classic. Sabina~5~ I don't hate if but I don't find it very attractive and I hate the possibility of Sab, Sabby, or Bina as nick names. Natasha~7~ Nice.

Natalie~10~ Nicer and prettier. Vanessa~7~ A bit out dated but still pretty. Nora~10~ Love it!

Nikki~5~ Only as a nick name for Nicole and not a name on it's own. Nicole gets a 10. Adriana~0~ Not a fan.

Adele~5~ The singer ruined it for me. Molly~10 plus~ My favoritie name all time.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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