Anyone up for a rating of these simple baby names? on a rating of 0-10 how would you rate these names?

Yowee I see not many like my given name # 5, but I dint pick it and in the 39,000 I researched who have it, Dallas. I am in the 1% as a female. Sarah is my new baby sisters name, and I picked it, so I love it.

1. Cute, and I agree it's not so popular, but what goes around comes around. I think better than bein called "Apple" all her life.

2. My cousins name is Jacob but I'm not a fan of nicknames 3. BINGO, my new sisters name I gave her after my fave little cousin.

I love it, even if some think it's old fashioned. 4. Historically, even Mythically a very strong name.

, as is Michael 5. Um yeah that's me. 6/7/8 all good names 9.

A bit old fashioned, but again, nothin wrong with it. 10. Smiles, yeah a good name, even I don't know the origin, like a translation over to English like Jose/Joseph Oops I missed the part about ratin them, but I give em all a 10.

1. Daisy 8/10 I like it but it but I'm not in love with it. 2.

Jake 8/10 Good name. SO much better than Jacob/Jakob 3. Sarah 9/10 I love this name.

It's on my list. 4. Jason 7/10 I don't love it or like it but it's a good name.

5. Dallas 8/10 For a boy. I love it.

For a girl not so much. 6. Kevin 8/10 It's cute.

7. Kathleen 8/10 Again it's cute and uncommon. 8.

Chris 5/10 I prefer Christopher. 9. Judith 8/10 Uncommon and pretty.

10. Javier 9/10 Love it.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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