Anyone up for rating baby names? on a rating of 0-10 how do you rate these names from this list?

Hello to my all-time favorite squirrel! Ramsingh ~ 0 Lorraine ~ 10 Tavish ~ 1 Ross ~ 5 Kimberly ~ 8 Noel ~ 6 (if pronounced "nole" and for a boy) Annie ~ 10 Auguste ~ 2 Nicholas ~ 6 Eleanor ~ 8 Very intriguing assortment of names! :).

1) Ramsingh: 0 2) Lorraine: 1 3) Tavish: 0 4) Ross: 5 5) Kimberly:5 6) Noel:8 7) Annie:3 8) Auguste:1 9) Nicholas:10(on of my top favorite names!) 10) Eleanor:1.

Sophia~0~ I am incredibly tired of this name and all it's variations. I no longer find it pretty, just annoying. Isabelle~0~ Again, tired of it and find it annoying.

Leona~8~ Very pretty and different. Laura~10~ Old fashioned and gorgeous. Rebecca~10~ A classic.

You can't go wrong with a classic. Sabina~5~ I don't hate if but I don't find it very attractive and I hate the possibility of Sab, Sabby, or Bina as nick names. Natasha~7~ Nice.

Natalie~10~ Nicer and prettier. Vanessa~7~ A bit out dated but still pretty. Nora~10~ Love it!

Nikki~5~ Only as a nick name for Nicole and not a name on it's own. Nicole gets a 10. Adriana~0~ Not a fan.

Adele~5~ The singer ruined it for me. Molly~10 plus~ My favoritie name all time.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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