I'm older (although not all that much older, just a generation I'd say - I was born in '87), and I don't think it's changed all that much. Yeah, as I get older I'm starting to have the "kids these days" mentality, but at the same time your description of your generation isn't all that different from teens during my teen years ('00-'07). A couple of things have changed, like plenty of teens got pregnant when I was a teen, but the major difference is you didn't have shows like 16 and pregnant, and another thing is of course the fashion was slightly different (things like skinny jeans were just coming into fashion around my senior year of high school in '05-'06, at least where I lived).
But other things are the same. There's always been teens doing drugs, women getting degraded, people cheating, etc, etc. And I've never liked rap, but I will say it seems to continually get worse and worse. At least early nineties gangsta rap I could stand (not that I listened to it when I was like five, but still, hearing it versus what's out now, it's preferable), but it seems like since the late nineties on it's gotten more simpleminded and there's a wider audience than ever before (although then again I think rock music mainstream, anyway has gone down in quality too since then).
And even before rap, there were genres that parents looked down on, so that hasn't changed. Anyway overall, I wouldn't say today's teens are all that different than those of at least a decade ago. I can't speak for earlier generations, but I assume there's still plenty of similarities with those generations too.
This generation is indeed worse, and continuing to get worse. It's really everything. Less people work to their full potential.
Relationships are really bad. I heard at least 60% of marriages end in divorce. People don't take things seriously these days.
It's harder to find people that haven't slept with multiple partners. In general people are less mature these days and in addition people don't want to work hard to get things. Instead people are after get rich quick schemes/plans.
These days the amount of lawsuits are ridiculous. Get a celebrity to push you, then start crying about you dislocated shoulder. Or hell just get on a reality tv show and act like a total moron and you are well known.
Also have a bunch of kids, apply for food stamps and use it to buy junk food, crab legs, soda, etc for yourself and abuse the system as a career opportunity. Then how about how people treat nice people. Both genders, more often females, mention how they want a nice mate, but they end up going with a jerk of a person that mistreats them.
They then go on facebook or to their friends and talk about how they want a genuinely nice person even though they stuffed the person in their friend zone. And of course a bunch of the females end up sleeping with at least one of these types of guys, getting pregnant and being a single Mom that many people see with baggage. Then there's all the increase in violence and crime.
People think they are so big and bad, but you really are nothing if you need a gun, knife, or ten other people to go after one person. Basically just an overall drop regarding the quality of people out there. It's a shame too.
All we can do is continue to be ourselves, and not follow the negative crowd.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.