Wow, you know I think if they co-signed for the loan there might be some legal issues with it. IF they were her debts alone, then in most states, the parents should not be obligated to pay. I had a boyfriend who died in a motor cycle accident when he was 22.
The creditors did try to go after the parents, but his parents simply mailed them a copy of the death certificate, and I think most dropped it. This was years ago, so I hardly remember. Some links I found while searching: and Which states (quoting from website): "Your government loans will not survive your death.
This means that your estate will not have to pay back your student loans. Also, the death of both parents with a PLUS loan (assuming both took out the loan) is grounds for the “death discharge. €?
The death of only one of the two obligated parents does not cancel a PLUS loan. A parent can also discharge a PLUS loan if the student for whom the parent received the loan dies. Discharge because of the borrower’s death (or, in the case of PLUS Loans, the death of the student for whom the parent borrowed) is based on an original or certified copy of the death certificate submitted to the school (for a Federal Perkins Loan) or to the holder of the loan (for a FFEL or Direct Stafford Loan).
WARNING FOR PRIVATE LOAN BORROWERS: There is no administrative discharge for private student loans when the borrower dies. Private loan debts will be handled the same way as other debts. That means that they will be part of the borrower’s estate.
This estate settlement process (also called probate) varies by state." ..... so long answer short, not 100% but unless they cosigned on it, then they shouldn't be responsible. Even if they did cosign, they may not be responsible. Good luck, sorry to hear about your sister :( ETA: Do not run from the creditors.
Just explain the situation. Each one prob has a different procedure.
IF they were her debts alone, then in most states, the parents should not be obligated to pay. I had a boyfriend who died in a motor cycle accident when he was 22. The creditors did try to go after the parents, but his parents simply mailed them a copy of the death certificate, and I think most dropped it.
This was years ago, so I hardly remember. Some links I found while searching: and Which states (quoting from website): "Your government loans will not survive your death. This means that your estate will not have to pay back your student loans.
Also, the death of both parents with a PLUS loan (assuming both took out the loan) is grounds for the “death discharge.” The death of only one of the two obligated parents does not cancel a PLUS loan. A parent can also discharge a PLUS loan if the student for whom the parent received the loan dies.
Discharge because of the borrower’s death (or, in the case of PLUS Loans, the death of the student for whom the parent borrowed) is based on an original or certified copy of the death certificate submitted to the school (for a Federal Perkins Loan) or to the holder of the loan (for a FFEL or Direct Stafford Loan). WARNING FOR PRIVATE LOAN BORROWERS: There is no administrative discharge for private student loans when the borrower dies. Private loan debts will be handled the same way as other debts.
That means that they will be part of the borrower’s estate. This estate settlement process (also called probate) varies by state." ..... so long answer short, not 100% but unless they cosigned on it, then they shouldn't be responsible. Even if they did cosign, they may not be responsible.
Good luck, sorry to hear about your sister :( ETA: Do not run from the creditors. Just explain the situation.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.