Are there any disadvantages to buying a refurbished iPad over a new one?

I think there is a certain amount of risk involved every tme someone buys a refurbished product, whether it's the iPad or anything else. I can certainly see why you might want to. The extraordinary cost of an iPad is something that many people cannot afford or just simply don't feel it's worth to put out and I am one of those people.

I think before you buy one refurbished, I would research into the return policy and whether or not customer service will handle your questions and concerns with a refurbished product. If you can't get satisfactory answers about these issues, it's probably best not to buy one, because if it doesn't work you are stuck with it. If you feel the low cost is worth the risk of perhaps not being able to return it, then take the gamble and make the purchase.

I haven't ever bought a refurbished product, with concerns that I'll get a lemon and be ripped off.


If possible, it would be best if you only buy the new one because you can be sure of the quality of that iPad rather than choosing to buy the refurbished one. However, if you're well-informed about how iPad features should be then I guess it's just fine if you'd go for it. The only disadvantage here is when the buyer doesn't know what he is paying for.

He might be risking paying for over the refurbished iPad’s worth. Buying a refurbished iPad is just the same as buying anything like computers, cellphones, etc. You just have to have knowledge about the products that you are going to buy. If not, bring with you anyone that can help you decide whether it’d be a good buy or not.

Just know that since they’re refurbished, their warranty would be often lower than what’s offered for the new ones. But to be sure, buy the new one or if buying refurbished ones, buy only from the licensed retailers or from Apple itself. That way, you’re confident that your money isn’t wasted.

Not an iPad, butI bought 3 ipod touch refurbed direct from Apple (had a bid on e-bay and when it was over, Apple was cheaper) Apple does a good job on refurbing. New battery, and other items. It came in the standard box, shrink wrapped and all.It might have been missing headphones (the defaults are miserable to me) or a sync cable, don't remember, was a while ago.

You do still get a warranty and all, and its got Apple's stamp of approval. I say go for it.(though not much a discount on the iPads).

There seem to be few disadvantages to buying a refurbished iPad, provided you purchase it directly from Apple or a registered retailer. That way you'll ensure that the unit you're buying has been refurbished to Apple specifications. While they're not available for sale on the Apple site as yet, Apple has an existing policy of including a full one year warranty with other refurbished products, just as they do with the sale of new items, so I would anticipate that level of support for the iPad too.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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