Are there certain religious faiths other than Catholic that choose names from the Bible when naming their children?

Similar questions: religious faiths Catholic choose names Bible naming children.

Absolutely Ma pitom. Jews typically employ Biblical names--if not as the child's secular name, then as the child's Jewish name. I cannot think of a Christian denomination that does not have adherents who do not sometimes use Biblical names.

Curious7777777's Recommendations The Baby Name Bible: The Ultimate Guide By America's Baby-Naming Experts Amazon List Price: $11.95 Used from: $6.00 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 8 reviews) 100,000 + Baby Names: The Most Complete Baby Name Book: Including 300+ Fascinating Lists, The Latest Naming Trends, Key to Gender-Neutral Names Amazon List Price: $12.95 Used from: $4.31 Average Customer Rating: 3.5 out of 5 (based on 15 reviews) .

Yep! I’d say the Jews actually have first dibs on Old Testament names. (It's their faith as much as it is a Catholic's faith, and naming from their traditions is probably something that feels just as good to them.) Of course, several Protestant factions also think they have some small claim on the word of God.

"The persecution of the Protestants and the Puritans led to their immigration to the New Land - the USA. This explains the dominance of Old Testament names in America." I would also not be surprised if some Islamic baby names are also derived from the Bible - at least, from the edited portions of the Bible which became part of the Koran. I’ve also seen claim that Mormonism is a fourth Abrahamic religion, and as such could decide to look to the Bible as a source of names for a baby.

It's not just the Catholics that read the Book - it's a whole bunch of people that feel some connection to it, and may want to memorialize that in this way. Sources: Baby name sites (listed in text). Laureth's Recommendations Bible Baby Names: Spiritual Choices from Judeo-Christian Tradition Amazon List Price: $9.95 Used from: $0.84 Average Customer Rating: 3.5 out of 5 (based on 4 reviews) .

I named my son Peter Micah. My other son is David Mark. I think Bible names are neat.

I am very connected ... to God. I think it is special to have these names. Peter in the Bible was the one who walked on water with Jesus and David was King David who followed God and was the same as David and Goliath.

We are all related to each other in reality. I like the hidden connection to God and the Bible story my kids know behind their names.

1 I'm not sure if it's part of the religion, but I had a Mormon friend with 7 kids and all of them were named after biblical figures.

I'm not sure if it's part of the religion, but I had a Mormon friend with 7 kids and all of them were named after biblical figures.

2 The reason this made me curious was the show "Wife Swap" we watched recently. One family were said to be "born again Christians", had six children and all had preppy names like Columbia (for one of the girls). The father was actually brain washing the whole family like some sort of cult.

The other family were Lutheran with two daughters, neither with a Christian name. This made my husband and I both curious about the Christian naming of children and different religious beliefs on the subject.

The reason this made me curious was the show "Wife Swap" we watched recently. One family were said to be "born again Christians", had six children and all had preppy names like Columbia (for one of the girls). The father was actually brain washing the whole family like some sort of cult.

The other family were Lutheran with two daughters, neither with a Christian name. This made my husband and I both curious about the Christian naming of children and different religious beliefs on the subject.

I been trying to find the right catholic bible. I see so many different one. So, which is the true catholic bible?" "Does the Catholic religion ever conflict with the Bible?

" "How do I raise agnostic children with knowledge of the bible and other religious texts? " "Religious magazine (possibly Catholic) from the 1950s. Bible stories and lives of Saints.

Sound familiar to anyone? " "What religion are you if any? Would you consider yourself a religious person?

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I been trying to find the right catholic bible. I see so many different one. So, which is the true catholic bible?

Religious magazine (possibly Catholic) from the 1950s. Bible stories and lives of Saints. Sound familiar to anyone?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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