Christians, what are your favorite Bible verses supporting religious intolerance and bashing other faiths?

The only ones I can think of would be unit or literature studies. Any textbook is going to give you particular slant, either Christian or non. Some companies to check out: Sonlight (pricey and literature-based, but you can easily take the Bible studies out of it if you want to) Ambleside Online - free, literature based, using older/classic books.

Feel free to start at a lower level than "grade level" - it's pretty rigorous, but very good. Hands of a Child - hands-on unit studies that teach pretty much everything. You'd still need a math curriculum, but pretty much everything else is there.

It is a Christian company, but almost all the units are neutral (except for units that are specifically Bible or Creation based - they say so in the title). You can pick and choose from hundreds of units to put together whatever they would like to study - history, science, lit, geography, habitats, animals, whatever. Hope that helps :).

Look into Sonlight. It is Christian but you can completely skip the Bible lesson and still get a fantastic education. Your siblings will be reading historical fiction novels like Mary Bloody Mary (The story of Mary Tudor aka Bloody Mary), and Adam of the Road.

It comes with lesson plans, all the books you need, you can get worksheets for lang. Arts, you have to add Math. If you want their Science you can add it.

Its good, Core 6 (what we are using) the first book they start with is "It Couldn't Just Happen" it teaches Intelligent Design so you may want to find a different one. It runs about 400- 600 for Core 6. It depends on what you buy.

I borrowed the one I'm using. It is a little pricey but with you teaching 2 and you can use the same core for both. So that's 200- 300 each and you don't really need to buy any more supplies.

It comes with a 18 week free look. If you don't like it return it and you get all of your money back. The site lists 20 reasons NOT to buy it.

So if those reasons fit you then don't get it. It is not for everyone.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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