As a SC independent voter, can I vote in both the open Republican primary and the open Democratic primary?

In 2012, the Democratic presidential nomination is set for the incumbent president. I am an independent voter. I would like to vote in the SC Republican primary.

If I vote as an independent in the SC open Republican primary, can I also vote in the open Democratic primary? I found the answer: no. of any affiliation in an open primary may vote for only one candidate.

Asked by bgreaker 2 days ago Similar questions: SC independent voter vote open Republican primary Democratic Politics & Law > Politics.

Similar questions: SC independent voter vote open Republican primary Democratic.

I was going to say that it would seem to me that the only people who would be allowed to vote in the primary of a given party would be those people registered to/for that party. Thats usually the way it works in most states. Otherwise, you'd have people from the opposite party voting for the person least likely to win from the opposing party.

Most states say "one man one vote". I know of no state that says "one man two votes" .

I don't know of any state that allows you to vote in both primaries.

As an unaffiliated voter in Oregon, I have been invited to vote in the democrat primary twice in my lifetime. I have never been invited to wote in the republican primary. As far as I know (knowing you already know the answer) it is up to each party whether they want to invite unaffiliated people to vote or not.

- and if both decide to invite unaffiliated voters, then unaffiliated voters could vote in each.

A bright spot in S.C. politics, Tim Scott, an African-American Republican outpreformed two powerful white Republicans. " "is there a penalty for being a registered voter and forgetting to vote? " "Does anyone know where the Democratic and Republican conventions are going to be held in 2008?" "What can I say to a friend who won't vote in this year's primary because "her vote won't really make a difference?

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A bright spot in S.C. politics, Tim Scott, an African-American Republican outpreformed two powerful white Republicans.

Explain the difference between Democratic & Republican parties. No bias, please.

I've decided to drop the "Conservative" or "Republican" or "Independent" tag for the time being.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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