Assuming we exist for some purpose other than being given birth to, what is said purpose? What?

I believe we are living proof that intelligence does exist in the universe. I use the reference intelligence even though mankind can be really stupid. It's really more about our ability to reason I suppose.

I believe the universe is thousands of times larger than we could ever imagine and even though we profess to know about it, I think we only know of a small portion of it. There is a part of me that also thinks that maybe we live again and again in different times, in different bodies, in different circumstances. At times, I can almost sense a familiarity with a subject as if I have been engaged with it at sometime in the past.Do we have a purpose?

If we do, it is probably as simple as saying "be all you can be with the skills you have been given". If we do not use those talents we have and share them with the rest of humanity then we have failed miserably at life's purpose.WB.

Over the years, I've gotten this down to a pretty simple, short explanation:The purpose of life is to live.

What is more interesting is the societal anxiety that produces the question. People say that this economic recession/depression we're in is the worst since 1932. We're facing environmental dangers.

We're facing dangers from "low-level conflicts" all over the world. We're facing dangers from right-wing reactionary politics. We're facing dangers of the response to world "islamic terrorism."

And there are so many others. What I'm saying is this: It is tempting to try to find the "ultimate purpose," in such an environment, such that if "humanity" could only be pointed toward it, we get off this seeming self-destruct cycle we're in. One wonders 'What the hell are we doing......?

We come here to Planet Earth as part of our spiritual journey. We may have lessons to learn but more likely we are increasing our levels of 'experience'. Some of us are here today specificaly for the reason of getting Eath 'back on the right path' & out of the rule of corruption that has taken over accross past years.

Life and who we are are gifts given to us. What we make of ourselves is a gift or purpose of positive impact of those who surround us. A hundred years from now, no one is going to remember or care what type of house we had or car we drove, but may remember how they were positively influenced by us.

We are god's most wonderful creation. We are created in his image and our purpose in life is to live our lives spreading the gosple of his son Jesus Christ so that all will have the opportunity to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and live in heaven with him when we die.

This is just, another, meaning of life question, yawn, so the answer is another yawn, 42.

God created everybody with a definite purpose. We are not random as evolution teaches. You must seek God's will for you to learn the truth for your life.

There is no purpose. Were born, we live and we die. The need to explain our purpose is why religion is still around.It's like when we die.

Were dead, not off to heaven or hell but rather we become a part of the earth due to burrying our dead.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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