At what point is a fast food restaurant NOT considered fast anymore?

I sometimes wait 10 minutes just to order! I think that, as a community, we should set a standard in and out threshold for measuring fast food. Asked by jonnyz 62 months ago Similar questions: point fast food restaurant considered anymore Food & Drink > Restaurants.

Similar questions: point fast food restaurant considered anymore.

The name is counter-intuitive Fast food is called fast food not because you get it fast, but rather because it is not cooked to order. If you go in, sit down, a waitperson comes and takes your order, and then the cook cooks your order, its not fast food. If you order at a counter and your food comes off a conveyor belt, its fast food, now matter how long it takes..

Fast" denotes food prepared before you order it I think ’fast food’ means food that is limitted in its delivery only by the delivery process. In other words, the food is already prepared (hopefully recently) so that when you order it, the food doesn’t need to be prepared, and so it can simply be delivered. If you order the food and then they prepare it, that’s not ’fast’, even if it doesn’t take long..

Even if it's a sit-down restaurant, I can sometimes get my food from there quicker than at Burger King. I say for something to be considered fast food, the entire process from arriving at the restaurant to sitting down to eat or leaving with food in your hand should take no more than 5 minutes. Maybe allow them an extra 2 minutes during lunch and dinner rushes, let's be reasonable.

But if I'm waiting 20 minutes for a burger, it's not *fast* food. Sources: My Opinion .

Well, the wait is whatever it is. There isn't a standard. Here's a good definition reworded from a pretty terrific wiki page: A fast-food restaurant is characterized by: - food supplied quickly after ordering.

- minimal service - you pay for the food before it's served to you McDonalds is actually pretty good about their customer service - I'd write to them and bug 'em. Here's the address of their "Contact Us" page:" rel="nofollow"> That said, these restaurants are franchises, and you might not get improvements if the owner of that specific restaurant doesn't have the money or doesn't want to improve their store. If there's a definition that you'd like to prevail in the industry - I'd find out what consumer advocacy organizations are around in your area, and see what they've got to say.

Sources:," rel="nofollow"> newpenny's Recommendations McDonald's Big Mac Bobble Head Storytime Old McDonald FP Boxed Set Amazon List Price: $19.99 The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald: The Legend of Grimace Island Used from: $0.01 Adult McDonald's French Fries Adult McDonald's Shake McKids Adventures - Treasure Hunt with Ronald Amazon List Price: $14.98 Used from: $10.09 McKids Adventures - Get Up and Go with Ronald Amazon List Price: $14.98 Used from: $10.09 1996 McDonald's Restaurant Collectible Cards (5 cards+ 1 McDonald's Cel Per pack) Weird Micky D's collectibles, for entertainment.

When you run out of patience. I understand your frustration about having to wait to even order in a fast food restaurant. I think though that in general you still get faster service at fast food restaurants than normal.So they are still fast, just not as fast as you would like them to be.

However, I don't think we can do anything about it. I mean, even if we set a standard time, it's not like there's a effective way to enforce it. What I would do though is try to find another fast food restaurant.

Sometimes, all business goes to the closest restaurant to your work/work and the second closest has no business. You might see if it takes less time to get to the second closest restaurant than to wait at the closest one..

" "Do you think that by fast food restaurants cutting down on trans fat that they will lose business?" "What Was The First Fast Food Restaurant.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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