What's the ICKIEST "food" you ever ate from a FAST-FOOD restaurant..?

What's the ICKIEST "food" you ever ate from a FAST-FOOD restaurant..? Asked by seeya 15 months ago Similar questions: ICKIEST food ate FAST FOOD restaurant Food & Drink > Restaurants.

Similar questions: ICKIEST food ate FAST FOOD restaurant.

Gosh, I am trying to think of one - I even eat every morsel of hospital food! I have had a few bad dishes at the Olive Garden, though.

Believe it or not, is right. 30 years ago a friend of mine and I drove down to Dego (San Diego) to see a friend and stopped at a McDonalds on the way back to try this new item they'd introduced a few weeks ago: chicken nuggets. My County Health Department, they were nasty!

Someone should let MickeeD's KNOW what a BAD REP their little McNuggets have..!As FAST FOOD goes..I really have liked some of the items at Jack in the Box, but what FLOORS me is that they havent bothered to eliminate their SPECIAL,2 for 1 tacos..MAN they're bad. TRULY putrid. When the question was POSTED:Has anyone NOT felt sick after eating at Taco Bell it occurred to me.

YOU havent LIVED until you've tasted the Tacos at Jack in the Box..!Everyone always RAVES about In and Out Burger..since I had one within a block of my house, I suppose I was a little In and Out-ed..But everyone and their Mother get all starry eyed and misty when they speak of how delicious In and Out's burgers are..NO CHAR-BROILING. That's the biggest problem with In and Out Burger. Don't laugh..but I really really LIKE BURGER KING.

HahahaCarl's Jr, too. El Pollo Loco is hit or miss. They can be independently owned and operated, so all El Pollo Locos are not the same.In some:The most delicious, fire roasted chicken..marinated with citrus..lots of FRESH Cilantro and salsas..even the little mini Side Salad, only a buck,is great with Cilantro dressing..WARM tortillas..YUM.

With others:A Styrofoam container filled with brown water and one black bean floating in it..Chicken so old and so over-cooked its petrified to a solid rock..Slaw that's yellowed and water-y..AWFUL. But when you find a GOOD ONE..its a beautiful thing.In this area we don't have the multitudes of fast Food Places like I had, before..McDonald's..Del Taco..Kentucky Fried Chicken..There may be a WINERSCHNITZLE (sp? ) but Im not chomping at the bit to find out, necessarily.

I mentioned this before,but having lunch at the COSTCO FOOD COURT works for ME,lately. I HIGHLY recommend! Im hungry.

May All seeya 15 months ago .

Hmmm...I've tried so many different items throughout my life when eating fast food! What comes to mind is that Mac Snack Wrap at McDonald's, which is, a Big Mac minus the buns wrapped in a tortilla; barf! I also once had a breakfast sandwich from Subway that was pretty disappointing.

I also did not like those 'McGriddles'; the breakfast sandwiches at McDonald's with syrup flavored bread. F#@K THAT! .

Seems to be the WINNER of this unusual poll..Those McNuggets sure need a SPIN DOCTOR..or a new recipe..or something,huh?! Seeya 15 months ago .

The chicken select strips are much better...

Wienerschnitzel, I was not so impressed with. A decent hotdog stand with big advertising budget. Taco bell, never really had a problem.

But McD and BK have never impressed me.

The worst food I had was just last weekend at a Chick fil a in Peoria, AZ. I had a chicken salad sandwich that was disgusting.

No beef or pork. Restaurant, grocery, fast food etc are welcome" "Last food that you ate?" "What was the tastiest non-food thing you ever ate? " "The best 24-hour restaurant in or around San Jose, California?

(Not a fast-food drive-thru)" "The best food I ever ate was__________. Why was it the best? Tell us about it!

" "Do you ever eat at a certain fast food restaurant because they have good toys in the kids' meal?" "Name as many fast food restaurants as you can! " "when did fast food restaurants start putting nutrition on their foods? " "What is the worst food you have ever ate?" "Which one do you usually prefer?

Cooking, going to restaurants, or fast food?

No beef or pork. Restaurant, grocery, fast food etc are welcome.

The best food I ever ate was__________. Why was it the best? Tell us about it!

Name as many fast food restaurants as you can!

Someone should let MickeeD's KNOW what a BAD REP their little McNuggets have..!As FAST FOOD goes..I really have liked some of the items at Jack in the Box, but what FLOORS me is that they havent bothered to eliminate their SPECIAL,2 for 1 tacos..MAN they're bad. TRULY putrid. When the question was POSTED:Has anyone NOT felt sick after eating at Taco Bell it occurred to me.

YOU havent LIVED until you've tasted the Tacos at Jack in the Box..!Everyone always RAVES about In and Out Burger..since I had one within a block of my house, I suppose I was a little In and Out-ed..But everyone and their Mother get all starry eyed and misty when they speak of how delicious In and Out's burgers are..NO CHAR-BROILING. That's the biggest problem with In and Out Burger. Don't laugh..but I really really LIKE BURGER KING.

HahahaCarl's Jr, too. El Pollo Loco is hit or miss. They can be independently owned and operated, so all El Pollo Locos are not the same.In some:The most delicious, fire roasted chicken..marinated with citrus..lots of FRESH Cilantro and salsas..even the little mini Side Salad, only a buck,is great with Cilantro dressing..WARM tortillas..YUM.

With others:A Styrofoam container filled with brown water and one black bean floating in it..Chicken so old and so over-cooked its petrified to a solid rock..Slaw that's yellowed and water-y..AWFUL. But when you find a GOOD ONE..its a beautiful thing.In this area we don't have the multitudes of fast Food Places like I had, before..McDonald's..Del Taco..Kentucky Fried Chicken..There may be a WINERSCHNITZLE (sp?) but Im not chomping at the bit to find out, necessarily. I mentioned this before,but having lunch at the COSTCO FOOD COURT works for ME,lately.

I HIGHLY recommend! Im hungry. May All seeya 61 months ago.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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