There are a few solutions listed in the various forums . Here are the ones which seemed to have worked, see which ones work for you --- NOTE-- PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE LIST FIRST.... *1. Just pull out battery & start phone once without SIM card, let it verify security software and let the phone get on for 5 mins.
After 5mins, switch off BB & insert SIM card & its ready to use again. If the problem persist take a back-up of your data to PC & wipe handset, and re-install service book.
(This will allow you to bypass opening the "start page" which is causing the problem).2. Open the link and click the blackberry key, and then scroll to options.3. Click browser configuration.
4. At the very top, make sure the browser listed is the one you're having the problem with.... (e.x. If you receive the error when you're trying to use WAP Browser, change the browser to "WAP browser").
5. Scroll to near bottom and change "start page" to "Homepage" 6. Make sure the home page is an accurate page... (ex. Google).7.
Click the blackberry button again and select save changes. *3. Log into T-mobile and download the handheld/device OS, install it on your computer.
Also if you don't have desktop manager installed, download and install it too. Next on your BB go to Options > Security Options > General Settings > Press Menu > Wipe Handheld. Then you should be able to connect it to your computer and run desktop manager and the app loader to reinstall everything.
Using the desktop software. Go into Backup/restore Make a backup. Select Advanced Select the bookmarks database and clear it.
*5. Go into your Tzones browser, change the Browser to Internet Browser, then change your Start Page to Home Page. If this fails, then do a battery pull to reboot and delete all the service books from the BlackBerry.
Once deleted, do a Register Now. *6. Do you have your Browser homepage set to Bookmarks?
That is a common problem and a bit of a challenge to correct. You can not open the Browser directly, but you can open a URL in an e-mail. Google is a good place to start.
Click the link to open the Browser and select Options / Browser Configuration. Scroll to the bottom and click on "Use Current" button. That should solve the problem.
A common advisement is to wipe the system and re-install the Operating System for problems like this. This page might help:
There are many forums talking about this issue. Here is one fix: . Go to your messages and find an e-mail with a link in it.(This will allow you to bypass opening the "start page" which is causing the problem).2.
Open the link and click the blackberry key, and then scroll to options.3. Click browser configuration.4. At the very top, make sure the browser listed is the one you're having the problem with.... (e.x.
If you receive the error when you're trying to use WAP Browser, change the browser to "WAP browser").5. Scroll to near bottom and change "start page" to "Homepage" 6. Make sure the home page is an accurate page... (ex. Google).7.
Click the blackberry button again and select save changes. I hope it works.
I think hitting the tiny restart button is the best option, then reload all you software. I had this for a while. There are three different types of reboots: 1.
You can do a soft style reboot with the keyboard with: ALT+RIGHT SHIFT(CAP)+DELETE keys. 2. A hard reset is taking out the battery while the phone is on and waiting a minute before putting it back in.3.
Some blackberries have a "reset button" behind the battery. It will say reset above a little whole where you can insert a paperclip. However, I don't think the curve is one of these phones.
You can also backup your data with the blackberry software and reinstall everything from scratch if the above don't work.
Go into your Tzones browser, change the Browser to Internet Browser, then change your Start Page to Home Page. If this fails, then do a battery pull to reboot and delete all the service books from the BlackBerry. Once deleted, do a Register Now.
Do you have your Browser homepage set to Bookmarks? That is a common problem and a bit of a challenge to correct. You can not open the Browser directly, but you can open a URL in an e-mail.
Google is a good place to start. Click the link to open the Browser and select Options / Browser Configuration. Scroll to the bottom and click on "Use Current" button.
That should solve the problem.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.