Can I pay off a debt after my wages are being garnished?

Can I pay off a debt after my wages are being garnished I'm sorry, I prob. Should have worded diff. My wages are being garnished.

Would I be able to contact them and see if I can stop the garnishment and pay one lump sum? Asked by dmr2001 9 months ago Similar questions: pay debt wages garnished Business > Financial Planning.

Similar questions: pay debt wages garnished.

They garnish to pay off the debit. When it stops the debit is paid. Plus many other fees that make them "richer." .

It really is an evil way to collect money: &fp=1053f4e28f68f9f6.

I'm sorry, I prob. Should have worded diff. My wages are being garnished.

Would I be able to contact them and see if I can stop the garnishment and pay one lump sum? Dmr2001 9 months ago .

Yes. The sooner the better. I have done it.

Yes, you can pay your debt and your creditor can no longer garnish your wages. There may be a timing issue, however. Your employer received a wage deduction order telling it to deduct certain payments.

Until your employer gets other instructions, it will have to continue deducting amounts pursuant to the wage deduction order. You should coordinate the payment with the creditor to minimize any lag between your paying the balance and your employer ceasing withholding.

Yes you can, I negotiated a credit card bill They took a lump sum of 1/2 the amount due instead of monthly payments for the whole amount. Ask them when you contact them if they would take a smaller lump sum.

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What can I legally do if my Employer Garnished my wages for court fines the full amount but he did not send full amount.

If my wages are being garnished at 25% can there be other garish.

My employer is keeping most ifnot all of my wages to pay my rent as I rent a flat off him is he allowed to keep my wages.

If two parties are being garnished for a debt and it was filed underground bankruptcy does the garnishment stop for both.

My wages are being granish at my job at 15% of my pay. Question found a second job can those wages be garnish as well?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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