In the State of New York, can a judge order that your wages are garnished to pay off a credit card debt?

Similar questions: State York judge order wages garnished pay credit card debt.

New York State Wage Grnishment rules Wage Garnishment and Bankruptcy Exemptions -- New YorkWAGE GARNISHMENT EXEMPTION: Ten percent (10%) of gross income, or thefederal maximum, whichever is lessMAXIMUM INTEREST RATE: Legal: 16% Judgment: 9%STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS ON ENFORCEMENT: Open Account (credit cards) 6 years Written Contract: 6 years Domestic Judgment: 20 (renewable) Foreign Judgment: 20 (renewable)Debt Kit has sample letters and techniques for dealing with debt collectorsBAD CHECK LAW DAMAGES: Amount of check plus double check amount up to $400 if NSF and up to $750 if written on nonexistent accountBANKRUPTCY PROPERTY EXEMPTIONS (Consolidated Laws of New York):Cannot use federal exemptions, but can claim the federal non-bankruptcy exemptionsThe State of New York has exempted the property and income below from seizure by the bankruptcy court to pay creditors:Real Property: Real estate, condo, co-op or mobile home used as residence up to $10,000 Civil Practice Law and Rules 5206(a)Personal Property: Bibles and books up to $50, enough food to last 60 days, schoolbooks, pictures, clothing, tableware, crockery and cooking utensils, church pew, stoves, fuel to last 60 days, sewing machine, furniture, refrigerator, TV, radio, wedding ring, watch to $35.00, burial place, pet and pet food to last 60 days, but not to exceed $450, with total amount not to exceed $5,000 Civil Practice Law and Rules 5205(1)-(6); motor vehicle up to $2,400 Debtor and Creditor 282(1); burial plot up to 1/4 acre Civil Practice Law and Rules 5206(f); health aids, unlimited amount Civil Practice Law and Rules 5205(h); cash, the lesser of $2,500 or $5,000 as an annuity, in lieu of real estate exemption Debtor and Creditor 283(2); farm machinery and team with food for 60 days and business furniture, instruments and books up to $600 total Civil Practice Law and Rules 5205(a)(7); wrongful death recoveries, amount needed for support Debtor and Creditor 282(3)(ii); personal injury recoveries up to $7,500 Debtor and Creditor 282(3)(iii); lost earnings recoveries, amount needed for support Debtor and Creditor 282(3)(iv); security deposits, unlimited amount Civil Practice Law and Rules 5205(g); uniforms, equipment and arms required for military, unlimited amount Civil Practice Laws and Rules 5205(e)Insurance / Annuities: Annuity contract benefits, unlimited amount if not purchased within six months of bankruptcy and not tax-differed; otherwise up to $5,000 Insurance 3212(d) and Debtor and Creditor 283(1); disability or illness benefits to $400 per month Insurance 3212(c); life insurance proceeds if policy prohibits proceeds from being used to pay creditors, unlimited amount Estates, Powers and Trusts 7-1.5(a)(2); life insurance proceeds if beneficiary is the spouse of the insured, unlimited amount Insurance 3212(b)(2)Pensions / Retirement Plans: Retirement benefits, IRAs and Keoghs, amount needed for support Debtor and Creditor 282(2)(e); Civil Practice Law and Rules 5205(c); state employees, unlimited amount Retirement and Social Security 110; public retirement benefits, unlimited amount Insurance 4607Public Benefits / Entitlements: Workers compensation, unlimited amount Debtor and Creditor 282(2)(c); veterans benefits, unlimited amount Debtor and Creditor 282(2)(a)(c); crime victims compensation, unlimited amount Debtor and Creditor 282(3)(i); disability, illness or unemployment benefits and general public assistance, unlimited amount Debtor and Creditor 282(2)(a)(c); social security, unlimited amount Debtor and Creditor 282(2)(a)(c); aid to aged, blind, disabled and families with dependent children, unlimited amount Debtor and Creditor 282(2)(c)Wages: 90% of earned but unpaid wages received sixty days before filing bankruptcy Civil Practice Law and Rules 5205(d) and (e)Miscellaneous: Alimony and child support, amount needed for support Debtor and Creditor 282(2)(d); New York State College State tuition savings program not to exceed $10,000 Civil Practice Laws and Rules 5205(j); business partnership property, unlimited amt Partnership 51; trust fund principal and 90% of income Civil Practice Laws and Rules 5205(c) and (d) Sources: .

Absolutely! But there are things you can do. You need to go to credit counseling and/or retain a lawyer.

Here's a list of Federally approved services in your Sources: opinion .

Oh WOW I sure hope not! Thats just crazy. I sure hope they can't do that... All I know is that the credit card companys ask for all that debt... I think what they do is send out all them offers and hope that people sign up, they know people LIE about their income and they don't even check people out.

Then they use the fact that people don't pay them back and use that as a write off. And take the people that they inticed in the first place to get their money back so they are getting it twice! What a racket if you ask me.

CREDIT CARDS ARE BAD! Don't get them! If you need one just get one with a LOW credit line and ONLY ONE!.

If the credit card company has a judgment against you, then yes, a creditor can garnish your wages to pay that debt.

I don't have credit card. Is it possible to pay in western union? " "how do I get out of 50k in credit card debt?" "how long do I have to wait to be reimbursed for garnished wages after the debt has been paid off.

" "when you pay off a debt does your credit score go back up?

Can I garnish someone if their wages are already garnished.

I don't have credit card. Is it possible to pay in western union?

How long do I have to wait to be reimbursed for garnished wages after the debt has been paid off.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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