My wages are being garnished for state taxes,will my federal refund be garnished to pay off state?

Similar questions: wages garnished state taxes federal refund pay.

Not garnished, but taken, in full. Everything I can find says that if you owe back state taxes, they can take your federal refund to pay them off. You will receive notice that they did so, and give you a "receipt" that shows they took the refund and that they applied it to your state debt.

If the amound of your refund is more than you owe in state tax, you will receive the difference., the fact that you are already being garnished MIGHT be considered a payment plan. You will need to call the IRS on this.

Usually, garnishment is not considered a payment plan, as you did not work out anything and they had to take their money, but you might slide through. Html#top4.

I owe state taxes, but I just got my Federal Tax refund.

Thanks for the reply. But did you owe state taxes for just last year? I think I am going to try and apply for a petition for compromise with the state and maybe that will stop them from taking my federal refund.. Any thoughts?

Cecelia 9 months ago .

You are right and I had to think before I posted. Really I do not know about your case.

Obviously neither the "state" or the "feds tax people" consider the money yours. They obviously consider your money to be yours and will take it with any conceivable excuse or, what they call a "reason"!So...yes! .

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I am 55, self-employed, with one dependent. Can I withdraw SS early to pay my federal taxes I owe?

The top 5% of workers pay over 50% of all Federal income taxes, yet many say not enough. How much would be "fair?

How do I pay taxes when my wages fluctuate by the week.

Can I pay off a debt after my wages are being garnished.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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