Yes, you can swim. BUT wet your hair first with tap water. Your ghair is porus now because of coloring (like a dry sponge) and it will absorb the clorine water.
Get a UV spray from Redken or something similar ( plain conditioner will do for the the day) to put in. Yes, If the clorine level is high it can turn green. Its important to keep it sprayed with conditioner/ UV sprays throughout the day.
I would recommend asking your stylist. The chlorine in the pool could turn your hair a weird color or make the color run or fade. If you do decide to go swimming either wear a cap or put leave in conditioner in your hair, and as soon as your finished swimming wash your hair with fresh water to get the salt water or chlorine out.
If your not careful you could end up with a greenish tint in your hair. Also, try to limit the amount of time your hair is exposed to chlorine or salt water. Wearing your hair in a bun and keeping your head above water is another option you can go with.
Truthfully you should not swim in a pool with chlorine or in the ocean after just dying your hair. It may effect the results or cause the hair to lighten. If you are more worried about enjoying yourself and not the condition of the hair you just had colored, then go for it.
Your hair will not fall out. The color may just not stay as vibrant as it is right now. If you had your hair bleached to a blond color you even run the risk of your hair turning a greenish color from the chlorine.
It is usually recommended to wait 6 weeks after you had your hair dyed to swim. You can always try a swim cap. Wet the hair first in a shower.
Then put alot of conditioner on the hair. This will protect it.
You most likely can, but it's not advisable since it can cause the color to fade or change slightly.
You need to wait for a few more days before you take a swim. Your hair can turn green if you're blonde and if you spend too much time with your hair soaked in the pool. There's also a good chance that your hair will look a bit faded after you go swimming.
Of course you can swim! If your coloring cream was good enough, the intensity of your hair will remain the same. So don't worry!
No you should not go swimming because well first off the chlorine is damaging on your head and with the chemicals from the dye not long ago will cause further damage. Chlorine and hair dye don't mix good at all. Second off, your color would look dull and might even change after you go swimming in chlorine.
I had a friend who dyed her hair blue and after she went swimming (2 weeks after her hair was dyed) it turned into a rainbow of colors such as purple, and blonde. So there is a chance your color will look faded or slightly different as far as color goes. You should wait at least 6 weeks before you go swimming.
Stick to just putting your feet in and not getting your hair wet. Use a swim cap if needed but even then you cannot submerge your whole head under water as the water will seep through. The cap would be if someone accidentally splashes or something like that.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.