Can someone please provide me with the official guidelines of voting a question uninteresting and voting an answer as unhelpful?

Kaliekat I share your frustration and have seen this a bit now and in the past, mostly by brand new users and it usually can be corrected with a positive nudge in the right direction. On "uninteresting" I never have understood the need for an uninteresting button and there is no official guideline on using this feature. Why would anyone care that a person finds a question uninteresting.. but just interesting enough to open up the question and let everyone know that they are supposedly uninterested.

The worst is when they check that box but actively participate in the q&a thread. I just ignore the uninteresting votes for the most part as they do not effect my level of interest at all. I have only really ever used this button when anonymous questions first started because what is uninteresting to me might be very interesting to others.

On "unhelpful" You have stated the extent of official policy on this subject in your question and for the most part this is a sufficient explanation for most users. We do see from time to time the abuse of this feature especially in touchy subject opinion based q&a threads. Many users have used the button for both an "I disagree with you" and an "I agree with you button" both usages are a bit out of place as the buttons clearly state what they are there for.

Specifically the usage of unhelpful, the proper way to use this button is to check it in a appropriate way and then leave a comment as to why exactly the answer is unhelpful. The reasons might be obvious to some of us but completely lost to others. We need to be clear as to what we mean and hope for the usage of this button to be educational and not punishment.

The best course of action is to politely point the offending user to the Mahalo Answers Etiquette or How Mahalo Answers Works page(s) as you have been doing and leave it at that. If the scenario escalates don't hesitate to report such abuses, Mahalo rightly so seems to have little tolerance for unhelpful or negative behavior. The report button is your friend.

Too long question. Make it short and simple, please.

It is quite common to get answers after a few days especially just before a question goes into voting..but there is now way prove it as there are no statisics showing when questions are answered. So I think a few hours sound a better compremise. I few minutes is just not true as many users take longer than that to write an answer!

May 5th 2007: design lead for Answers again. All profiles marketed with "Official" under the titles are actual questions from the celebrities or special guests involved. In some cases very busy / important people (like the President of India or Opera) have a staff that may help them prepare a question, but the Question IS actually from the real person and not an impostor.

Given this background I have some suggestions for how to improve the wording of the "Special Guest" section. "Several celebrities and notables have appeared on Yahoo! Answers to Ask or Answer questions.

These users have an "official" badge below their avatar and on their profile page. I haven't contributed to that many articles in wikipedia so if you have feedback on my proses or process please let me know. My email is alpern at yahoo-inc dot com.

I was going to leave this suggestion on the discussion page for a few days to collect comments before incorporating it into the article.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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