I was voted unhelpful on a question. Hushman incorrectly refuted my answer. I'm correct and he has been refuted?

First let me say that you are an asset to the Mahalo community. I do not know how you can lose the unhelpful vote because it would be already registered on Mahalo and members have the right to take this action on a question or answer. I would contact a mahalo community manager and report the person, you can report it.

Your answer is fact and once that can be proven the member who did this should be fine. This is wrong and it could be a malicious act by an individual just to get his Mahalo buddy the chance of getting the tip. I also feel that Mahalo should select certain staff members to rate and help members on how to tip questions.

I personally feel that Mahalo Community Managers and Mahalo Staff Members should deal with situations like this. First thing I would like to say Mahalo should really look at the way the members deal and rate answers to question. I have answered questions where I would have given detail information on the topic and some other member because of most votes get the best answer I think this is wrong.

Because you have most votes doesn't mean it is the best answer. It just means other Mahalo members agree with you or possibility other Mahalo member have buddies helping them out on getting tips . I think Mahalo should rate questions by FOUR CATEGORIES 1.

RIGHT ANSWER MOST VOTES(A question might be asked where as more than one member has the correct answer and will be determin by who have most votes. If you have a tie I think that a Mahalo manager and the person who asked the question should decide who has the best answer. 2.

RIGHT ANSWER (If a question is asked and only one person has the correct answer that person should get the tip. ) 3. BEST ANSWER 4.No Best Answer Selected (I personally feel this should only be the last resort and should be reviewed by the person who ask the question and a mahalo staff member two heads are definitely better than one) here are a few questions I have answered and received No Best Answer Selected or I would have given a very good answer to the question and some other member got the tip by just giving an opinion.

Here are the links http://www.mahalo.com/answers/music/whats-your-favorite-or-most-memorable-verse-from-a-wu-tang-clan-member-my-is-deck-triumph-or-cappadonna-winter-wars http://www.mahalo.com/answers/sports/whos-better-chelsea-fc-or-manchester-united http://www.mahalo.com/answers/humor/what-do-you-think-about-this-video.

Don't be so sensitive if you want to participate in Mahalo answers. Most of the people here are handicapped by not having much education, or being high school students or younger, or not speaking English as a first language. Some are literally nuts.So you have to expect a fair percentage of irrational "unhelpful"s and incorrect refute facts.

Of course you can counter refute etc. , but Mahalo isn't going to clean it all up afterward.

Don't be so sensitive. Not everyone is going to agree with you all the time, and that is what makes humanity great (one of the few things...), if we all agreed on everything all the time, you could imagine where we would be. On outfit for all, one type of home, one type of care, the same presidents and one movie, one song... you get the picture?

I'm sure you're pride and life's self worth hasn't been that bruised and you shouldn't put much stock in whether someone online thinks you were right on not, and if you do, turn off the computer, and go out and meet real people. What makes humanity destructive is getting revenge over meaningless things... MOVE ON. It's OK.

Just because one person didn't like your answer doesn't mean others will think the same (Bush still got elected twice didn't he? ).

The internet is so full of better information sources, it comes across as lazy and unhelpful to link to the wikipedia page, as if people reading haven't already thought of checking there.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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