Can someone suggest a good graduation present for a man who just graduated from medical school?

Similar questions: suggest graduation present man graduated medical school.

A MUG! Guess who? .

DI'd think either something symbolic, like an antique medical instrument, or a lot of coffee - they'll probably need I for the next step in their career.

2 I'm fond of giving "experiences" instead of things. Tickets to the theatre and a gift certificate for dinner at a great restaurant might be nice. Passes to an amusement park if he likes roller coasters.

Depending on where he lives, maybe passes to some museums that would be of interest. Or, on a completely unrelated note, how about a world band radio and a great atlas? The only downside to these presents is that he's probably going to be so busy that he might not be able to use them!

If he knows where he's going to live after he graduates, maybe there are practical gifts you could give him in relation to that place. And clothes might be good because who knows how often he'll get around to doing laundry! .

I'm fond of giving "experiences" instead of things. Tickets to the theatre and a gift certificate for dinner at a great restaurant might be nice. Passes to an amusement park if he likes roller coasters.

Depending on where he lives, maybe passes to some museums that would be of interest. Or, on a completely unrelated note, how about a world band radio and a great atlas? The only downside to these presents is that he's probably going to be so busy that he might not be able to use them!

If he knows where he's going to live after he graduates, maybe there are practical gifts you could give him in relation to that place. And clothes might be good because who knows how often he'll get around to doing laundry!

3 A nice long vacation on a private sunny beach! Sorry. This gift would kind of depend on what he is going to do now that he has graduated.

What is his specialty? Is he real close to you? Will he be at a hospital or private practice.

There are alot of doctors in what is considered my family and I could help. Pass along some more info. Oh, I take it this is a serious gift.

A nice long vacation on a private sunny beach! Sorry. This gift would kind of depend on what he is going to do now that he has graduated.

What is his specialty? Is he real close to you? Will he be at a hospital or private practice.

There are alot of doctors in what is considered my family and I could help. Pass along some more info. Oh, I take it this is a serious gift.

4 to expand on tedi's ideas, maybe takinbg care of a needed expense for the next step, like maybe moving, or laundry, or something like that.

To expand on tedi's ideas, maybe takinbg care of a needed expense for the next step, like maybe moving, or laundry, or something like that.

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I have to present a thought in my school assembly suggest me 1......

Mother of two, recently graduated from medical school, got an amazing job. How do I make sure that each..(more details).

I have prostate inflammation. Can you suggest any herbal medicine?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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