Mother of two, recently graduated from medical school, got an amazing job. How do I make sure that each..(more details)?

Mother of two, recently graduated from medical school, got an amazing job. How do I make sure that each..(more details) It has always been just me and my son. I was fortunate when he was born and didn't have to work, spent everyday together sharing new experiences and memories.

A yr later I got pregnant with my daughter and had a hard time balancing my time to make each child feel special. I recently graduated from med school and landed and amazing job that will open so many doors for us. My heart hurts every time I leave to work How do I make sure that each child still feels special and knows mommy loves them?

Asked by PTHTPP 12 months ago Similar questions: Mother recently graduated medical school amazing job make details Family > Parenting.

Similar questions: Mother recently graduated medical school amazing job make details.

Just spend a few special minutes with each of them separately. You've already established the foundation when they were born. You've bonded with them and they know who you are and that you love them.

Now you have to do what most of us have to do, and that is earn a living. You can also tell the kids you're working to put bread on the table. I'm sure you will probably take this worse than your kids.

Thank you so much for your advice. I have really used each one of the replys to help me with idea on making my babies feel as special as I can. You have also made me realize that I am not being a bad mom by working, that I am not alone and it is a good lesson the teach them that rewards come with hard work.

But I have also learned that simply things go a long was like even just making dinner and letting them help. Or choosing one day where they get to go with mommy alone to a special place. Thank you again.

PTHTPP 12 months ago .

Quality time! Even if it is 15 min. A day just showing them they are important and they mean everything to you, thats what they want.

Save your anger or upset for when you are NOT around them, they want mommy and your time is limited so don't waste it with anger. Your hugs and soft words of praise will stay with the kids .

I have been trying to spend special time with both of them seperately and having them help mommy with stuff around the house so it still gets done but they get to help and I was very suprised at how proud of themselves they are. Thanks so much for your reply. PTHTPP 12 months ago .

I was a teacher... I worked 90 hours a week. My kids felt ignored, but played video games etc. Now they will not do things with me. What you start when they are young they keep doing.

Like Cats in the Craddle song.... My older son was jealous when his brother was born...but they are good friends now...The older one taught the younger one how to do many things. My older son missed my attention. He sat on my lap at age 14 when his brother was away...just wanted attention.

Spend private time with each daily and also together time. Read them a book or do something special with them.

Yea I am so afraid that they will feel ignored but I have tried my hardest to find different easy activities we can do together and include them in my daily activities that have to be done but things that they can help mommy with. Thanks so much for your reply. PTHTPP 12 months ago .

Just make sure you tell them you love them and hug them a lot. It might be hard to part now, but they'll be grateful that you have a job when they're older.

Yea very true. I make sure to tell them I love them lots and lots as much as I possibly can. Sometimes I think I annoy them cause I say it so much haha.

But I spend a lot of time just watching their little brains working like crazy. I have to do what I have to do and just make the most out of the time Im not working. Thanks so much for your reply PTHTPP 12 months ago .

First know that you are not alone. If your heart didn't hurt then there would be a problerm. Just try to live in the moment with them when you are not working.

When your making supper, have them with you helping. When your folding laundry, tickle them with the clothes. So basically what Im saying is LAUGH and LAUGH some more with them and everything will fall into place.

Those are the memories they will remember. Congratulations on your job. :) .

Thank you so much. Very good ideas since reading your reply I have been including them in everything. They help me make dinner.

I switch days one day ry will help with dinner and ethan will help with dishes and the next day it will be the other way around. That was they get that individual attention too. And I also realized not to get frustrated when Im trying to fold clothes and they keep unfolding them over and over again.

Instead I make it a game and we have fun. O well if the clothes are wrinkley and I cant fold them till the kids go to bed. Thanks for your ideas I definitely have used them.

PTHTPP 12 months ago .

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I really want to get a job in a law office. I graduated college last may and I think I want to go to law school one day.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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