Can two male cats get along if raised together?

I've had several male cats that got alone just fine, in some cases that didn't grow up together. Sometimes there's some fighting to establish whose top cat when puberty hits but in most cases male cats can coexist just fine especially if you're raising them together. Unfortunately there can be cases where a male cat is extra dominant and then you may have an issue.

One cat would likely be killed or ran off. One option would be neutering one or both cats, while I don't support neutering to my understanding it generally ends turf wars. Two males may also fight if a female is present, almost unquestionably if she comes into heat.

With multiple cats go all one sex or one of each for the friendliest arrangement.

It may depend on each individual cat's personality. Cats are territorial critters, but if they grow up in the same territory then one will probably try to dominate the other although they may remain friends. I wouldn't say they were doomed to grow up and fight, but it's a possibility.

Only time will tell! Having them neutered would probably be a good choice here to reduce territorial issues and reduce the overpopulation of kittens.

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