I have a bread machine and need 2 use all purpose flour instead of bread flour. any good white bread recipes?

I have a bread machine and need 2 use all purpose flour instead of bread flour. Any good white bread recipes? Asked by wonderbread7 5 months ago Similar questions: bread machine purpose flour white recipes Food & Drink > Cooking.

Similar questions: bread machine purpose flour white recipes.

Thank you so much wonderbread7 5 months ago .

This recipe has great taste and the texture is just right; soft inside, with a thin, crispy crust. It’s not too sweet for savory sandwiches, but is wonderful toasted with butter and a sprinkle of cinnamon on top. Honey White Bread1 1/4 cups warm milk1 1/2 tablespoons oil1/4 cup honey, plus2 tablespoons honey1 1/2 teaspoons salt4 cups flour2 teaspoons instant yeast Place ingredients into bread machine according to your machines specifications.

Use basic white bread cycle, light crust setting. A few tips - To get all your honey out of the measuring cups, stir around in the warm milk. You may also try substituting some flour with dry oatmeal for a Sweet Honey Oatmeal Bread.

Just watch your liquid amount, it may need more or less. This makes a 1 1/2 pound loaf.

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I grind my own wheat flour and when I use it in my bread machine the bread falls and is very heavy. How can I fix this?

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