There are many ways to have your hair styled so that it is low maintenance. My first suggestion is to have mid length hair that is long enough to pull back into a ponytail. This way you can do your hair down and pretty when you have time, yet up and in a ponytail for days on the run.
This is what I do and it works well. I can have my hair in a pony in seconds. You may also go for a short yet trendy hairstyle.
Hair takes less time to blow dry, because it is short, and takes less time to style, again because there is less hair there! I have a few styles in mind. I will include them below for you.It really depends though on you, your age and your hair texture, as to what would look good.
If you have curly hair, that is a bonus. Apply mousse to the hair, scrunch with your hands and blow dry. You should be out the door in 10 to 15 minutes depending on the length!
There are many ways to have your hair styled so that it is low maintenance. My first suggestion is to have mid length hair that is long enough to pull back into a ponytail. This way you can do your hair down and pretty when you have time, yet up and in a ponytail for days on the run.
This is what I do and it works well. I can have my hair in a pony in seconds. You may also go for a short yet trendy hairstyle.
Hair takes less time to blow dry, because it is short, and takes less time to style, again because there is less hair there! I have a few styles in mind. I will include them below for you.
It really depends though on you, your age and your hair texture, as to what would look good. If you have curly hair, that is a bonus. Apply mousse to the hair, scrunch with your hands and blow dry.
You should be out the door in 10 to 15 minutes depending on the length!
In need of inspiration browse through our selection of sexy short hairstyle ideas. Muss up your locks or wear them super-sleek to explore the versatility of the coolest pixies and micro-bob hairstyles. Short hairstyles are all about definition and refinement!
Look for longer lengths on the top for more styling ideas, however, if you want to save a few precious minutes spent in front of the mirror, go for a super-short and low maintenance crop. Say no to split ends and unmanageable texture with these amazing looks. Let asymmetry be your secret weapon to guarantee the success of your new hairdo.
Sport a lovely pixie hairstyle which accentuates your flirty and sensual features. Use smoothing cream and a tiny spritz of shine serum to inject blinding radiance and a glam vibe into your chic short 'do. It's time to update your styling habits and experiment with a myriad of sculpting options.
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