Here are a few sites with some great ideas: A bit of advice from personal experience: Don't try to pull off one of the bangs-swept-to-the-side looks. If you're dancing, it won't stay pretty. All of my pictures have the dreaded middle bang part.
HI @rkiper! There are several chic and stunning prom hairstyles for different hair types if you have short hair. They are quite stylish and make your face prominent.
Other styles are prom updo but be sure that you will be comfortable with them. Prom updo are classy prom hairstyles that takes time and patience to do and they will make you look more mature. Make sure that the updo that you choose will match the shape of your face.
See the photos below. You can see more pictures at You will also find more prom style hair ideas at :
How exciting. I sure do miss those days! My son went to the prom last year with his girlfriend.It seemed like most of the girls wore their hair in an updo.
I have a few suggestions. First, if money is not an issue, go to the salon and let the beautician experiment with updos. Decide on the one you like and then go in the morning of prom to have it done.
You hate to get the updo done for the first time the day of prom. If you do not end up liking it you are out of luck. If money is an issue, either experiment on your own hair or have your mom or friend experiment on your hair.
Pull out the bobby pins, hair spray, curling iron and flat iron and try many different hairstyles. Again, this way you will know how you will do your hair the day of prom. Updos are very easy to do.
Just like riding a bike, practice makes perfect! Good luck and have fun!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.