Christmas Shopping guilt: what to get for my son's first Christmas?

What you need is something that will be enjoyed by you now... and your boy later on. What about a Baby's First Christmas Handprint Ornament Kit? I actually came across one at a yard sale last month and I'm going to put my puppy's paw print on it.(crazy dog lady at your service!) They range anywhere from $12.95 to $18.00 I thought I saw Bed, Bath, Beyond advertise them.

You might want to give them a call, or call around at your local baby boutique. Let's face it. Your baby isn't going to remember his first Christmas, but I think he'll be amazed each year when he sees the ornament and how much he's grown!

Merry Christmas @irishstephen1974!

Don't you worry about that! This is the first Christmas that you are having with your dear son! No gifts are necessary!

You are both there with him to love and celebrate your happiness! As Bunny said, I was going to say, this is the time to buy his first decoration for the tree. This is what I did with my sons.

And after so many years, they know which year was their gift for the tree! Don't even think about trying to get rid of it, after 30 or so years, they know what year it was bought for them! Just have a wonderful Christmas with your little man, and enjoy this lovely time with your family!

Merry Christmas, and all the very best to you and your wee family.

My son was only 3 months old for his first Christmas, so I know what you mean! I got a collectible ornament--3 of them, all different, one for him to keep and one each for my husband and I. But I also bought him a special, unusual toy car.

I looked on Oppenheim Toy Reviews and found a toy car that had a driver that turned his head as the wheel turned. It also had no sharp edges and was sturdy enough for my son to play with both as a baby and then as he got older. I think he quit playing with it when he was 5 or 6.It looked a lot like this, but more realistic.

He could also pull back on it and let go, and it would race forward.

This one isn't so tough, and don't worry about being a guilty parent! I view your perspective about giving your infant a gift analogous to people buying their pets birthday presents-they don't care one way or another what it is. So, as selfish as it sounds, you're pretty much getting a gift for yourself, but transmitting your adult perspective of gift giving on your infant.

That being said, I would go for something a. ) very cute and b. ) photographable so that it can be preserved in memory.

Thus, I would recommend a "onesie set" of a sports team. Do YOU have a favorite sports team? Most likely, your son will end up following that team that you admire.So, what's more perfect than a story, years later, sealed by a cute photo of your son in a "seattle mariners onesie" and telling him that, "here is proof that you were born to be a die-hard mariners fan.

" Plus, you have a nice family photo to send around to everyone: Take a picture of you all gathered in front of the tree, holding your son in his new sports onesie. Title it: "Billy's" first Christmas. Then, everyone will know that you're a super dad, and you didn't give your son an "empty box of Huggies" for his first Xmas.

This will go by BIG with the Mrs, and every woman in your family. Cute dress up's and pictures for your baby---makes women melt. And gives you big points for making it happen.

P.S. Or, if you're going for something a little bit lower profile-grab a team bib!


I have a child (who turned out not to be biologically mine) who was born on the 23rd of December. She of course received gifts....and it was pointless. She was even too young to play with the wrapping paper.

But, that Christmas I took lots and lots of pictures and wrote on the back of them. Those are what she enjoys today...

For the very first Christmas of my little girl. We simply got a few rattles and things like that but honestly we got things that were needed, we took the budget we had for everyone else and spent that total for diapers, formula, bottles, and blankets.

Get one of those Christmas ornaments that says "Baby's first Christmas" where you can insert a photograph and do so, do this every year and by the time he's 5 he'll notice them and think they're cool to unpack when it's time to decorate. By the time he's ten (especially if you have other kids and do this with all of them) you'll have a nice set. When they get married - or have their first child, you can hand over the full set as a gift.

You may buy some intellective toys or lovely clothes for your baby. I believe you love your baby, so just play with him. Merry Christmas!

My son was nearly 11 months old during his first Christmas. I didn't spend a fortune on him, but I did make one large order from Their toys are a lot better, and more educational than what you will find at the local Walmart.

One thing I did get him that he enjoyed, it was his large gift, was something like this. I kept his, but his had a place for blocks. I guess they have redesigned it.

Might be able to find it cheaper somewhere else, so I included the name. CHOMP & CLACK ALLIGATOR PUSH TOY

A bit later I got him one of these activity cubes. One of the best investments I ever made.

He played and played with it. Now when small children come to my house, it's the first thing they go for. You can find the smaller for about 35 bucks or huge for 100 to 150.


If you want something with more sentiments, if you haven't already, I suggest a "Guess How Much I Love You" set.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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