Colby cheese question (should have been posted in the Food category - sorry!)?

Colby cheese question (should have been posted in the Food category - sorry! ). Recipie calls for Colby cheese.

Can't find it in local stores. Is this because it is a very regional cheese, or does it go by different names? I am assuming the later because although I have never bought Colby cheese before, I have always assumed it was a popular one.

I can't substitute this for a mild cheddar cheese due to the melting properties of Colby. Asked by tzaros 13 months ago Similar Questions: Colby cheese question posted Food category Recent Questions About: Colby cheese question posted Food category Food & Drink > Food.

Similar Questions: Colby cheese question posted Food category Recent Questions About: Colby cheese question posted Food category.

Monterey Jack cheese is produced almost identically as Colby, but is uncolored and softer.

A mixture of Cheddar and Jack are a good substitute for Colby. It melts about as well and tastes a little better.

I have read pros and cons of both. " "Is Cheese a health food? " "Do you get hungry when you see all these food question on ASKVILLE?

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